Chapter 68 The Crying Mountain Ghost

The man's appearance was like dropping a drop of cold water into a hot pan of oil. Everyone who had been speechless under the pressure of the powerful momentum instantly came back to their senses, and all the magic weapons that had been clenched in their hands were aligned. to this uninvited guest.

They looked at the strange man in front of them with resistance and asked, "Who are you? Are you responsible for all these things?"

"Hurry up and light up our lanterns again, otherwise I will definitely not let you go!" In the crowd, a male cultivator holding a spiritual sword suddenly stood up. He was already a gold elixir cultivator, and judging by his clothes, he was probably from a large sect. Origin.

But just as the male cultivator said a harsh word, the next second the man in red just raised his eyelids slightly, and the male cultivator seemed to be hit by something and was knocked away hard!

Everyone was shocked, and a few people immediately stepped forward to care about their companions, while the others rushed towards the strange man with their magic weapons in hand.

The man seemed to have expected this scene. He just fanned his fan slightly, and the wide folding fan stirred up a gust of wind mixed with sand and gravel.

Everyone's eyes were blurred. When they opened their eyes again, the group of monks who were preparing to confront the man had turned into wooden puppets, standing obediently behind the man, unable to move. look like.

Seeing this scene, everyone who was already a little wary of the man naturally became even more frightened.

The dozen or so monks who dared to rush forward were all at the Golden Core stage at last, but such a group of monks who could defeat Nascent Soul together could not even touch a corner of the man's clothes.

At this moment, let alone those mortals, the expressions on the faces of the remaining monks were very ugly.

"Oh my, I'm just here to be a guest. Why are you all suddenly attacking me? This is not the way to treat guests in Jade City." The man's voice was soft and sharp, which was in perfect harmony with the powdery aura all over his body.

Listening to this voice and smelling the sweet peach blossom fragrance wafting from the man's body, Xie Zhengliu finally determined the identity of the visitor - the Crying Mountain Ghost.

"Jiutao Mountain Crying Mountain Ghost." A figure suddenly flew out of the crowd and stood between the strange man and the others.

When he appeared, everyone who was still in panic instantly felt at ease. Several monks who had turned pale for a long time also relaxed their brows and looked at the man's back with eyes full of trust.

"City Lord, I don't know what the demon did. He actually extinguished all the lanterns in the city. We thought he was very weird and were about to capture him. However, this demon is quite capable. He has more than a dozen fellow Taoists in his hands. Everyone suffered a loss and was turned into a wooden person by him!"

Listening to the explanations from everyone behind him, Liu Yuansu reluctantly pieced together what happened.

He has been staying at the mansion for the past few days to look after the bead that Buddha gave him. Because he realized that the bead was really extraordinary, he didn't even dare to take a step out of the door.

Therefore, even though he knew that a lantern festival was being held in the city these days, he did not come out to play like before.

But at this critical moment, this demonic cultivator actually dared to find trouble for him!

Thinking of this, Liu Yuansu looked at the strange man, the Mountain Crying Ghost, with an even more unkind look.

"The Crying Mountain Ghost is not meditating on Jiutao Mountain, so why is he coming to my Jade City?"

The Crying Mountain Ghost is a demon cultivator who has already made a name for himself in the early years. Thousands of years ago, as soon as this person's name came out, nine out of ten people were his enemies, and the remaining one was because of him. People who are afraid of him because of his "famous reputation".Perhaps the Crying Mountain Ghost also realized that he had made too many enemies, so when he was at the peak of his claim, he simply returned to Jiutao Mountain where he grew up, drove out the original overlord of the mountain, and became the new mountain lord. Finally, I quietly retreated there.

Since then, many enemies of the Mountain Crying Ghost have come to seek revenge, but most of them have not been able to break through the formations in the mountains, let alone see the Mountain Crying Ghost alive.

The Crying Mountain Ghost, who had been in seclusion for many years and had not been in the world of cultivation for a long time, suddenly appeared and directly provoked him.

This made Liu Yuansu puzzled. He believed that his family had nothing to do with the Mountain Crying Ghost. When the other party was in the limelight, his father was still a child.

So why did the Crying Mountain Ghost come to Yujing City?
When asked about this, the Crying Mountain Ghost simply said: "Well, I was not willing to leave Jiutao Mountain at first, but who made me make a promise at the beginning, and now the other party has found me and insists on fulfilling it."

Liu Yuansu's eyebrows twitched: "Is that promise related to my Jade City?"

"It has nothing to do with Yujing City." Crying Mountain Ghost's eyes fell on Liu Yuansu, "It has nothing to do with your Liu family."

"Son of the Liu family, did someone break into your mansion half a month ago and give you something?"

Liu Yuansu's face turned cold. He finally understood the purpose of the Mountain Crying Ghost - it was for that bead, that demon treasure!
Liu Yuansu's expression changed too quickly and too obviously. He was said to be a ghost crying in the mountains. Even Xie Zhengliu and others who were hiding aside noticed it.

Zhuang Youqian couldn't help but sigh when he saw this, and Yue Mingchou silently tightened his grip on the hilt of the long sword.

Even though they still didn't know who the person who broke into Liu's house was, or what he gave Liu Yuansu, they also realized that this matter might not be that simple.

Liu Yuansu didn't know how ugly his face was at the moment. He just clenched his fists and replied, "I don't know what you are talking about. Someone did break into Liu's house half a month ago, but he didn't leave anything behind."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, City Lord Liu, you really can't lie." Mountain Crying Ghost raised the corners of his red lips, "Since we have talked about this, I won't talk to you about these useless things. These people have offended me, and I will take them all away. If you want to save them, bring that thing yourself."

With that said, the Crying Mountain Ghost sat back in the sedan chair, and with the crisp sound of Jin Ling, the sedan chair was swaying and lifted up.

"My patience is limited. City Master Liu must make a decision quickly, otherwise these people may not be able to change over time."

After the words fell, the sedan was finally lifted up again.

As the Mountain Crying Ghost and his party left, a strange strong wind suddenly rose from the ground and blew towards everyone again.

Naturally, Liu Yuansu didn't want to be threatened like this. He braved the gust of wind and immediately flew towards the sedan chair. All his spiritual power was condensed on the blade of the sword. It seemed that he could split the sedan chair in two with just one blow. Half.

But his move failed in the end, and before anyone could see the Mountain Crying Ghost's movements clearly, Liu Yuansu fell to the ground with a thud.

Above their heads was the sedan chair that was quickly moving away, and a dozen wooden puppets obediently following the sedan chair.

(End of this chapter)

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