Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 107 Master 5 is afraid of the dark

Chapter 107 The Fifth Master is Afraid of the Dark
"Auntie, I have made a difficult decision to tell you my uncle's weakness."

Tang Yan pulled out the chair and sat down, with a very calm tone: "Let's talk."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few seconds before a voice came.

"My brother-in-law is afraid of the dark."

"???" Last time there was a fire in the hotel, it didn't seem like that person was afraid of the dark.

"It's okay if you don't want to say it. You don't have to find reasons to deal with me." Tang Yan said and wanted to hang up the phone.

"Wait, please listen to me." Jun Jinghuai said in an anxious tone, "What I said is true. My uncle is really afraid of the dark, especially the darker the place, the more afraid he is."

"He never dared to go to the toilet alone in the Jun family's old house, and he would go to the toilet with me in the middle of the night.

Also, once the company elevator broke down and he was locked in it for half an hour.

I noticed that when he was rescued, his body was shaking slightly and his lips were pale white.

So I'm sure my uncle is afraid of the dark and a little claustrophobic, but he disguises himself so well that no one notices. "

I never imagined that a man who looks so perfect could be afraid of the dark?

It's pretty down-to-earth.

"Hey, hey, little aunt, did you hear that I've told you about my uncle's weaknesses? Can you please help me?"

"I'll try to talk about it, but I don't know if it's that big of a deal."

After Tang Yan finished speaking, he sent a WeChat message to Jun Liyan.

Here’s a piece of Tangtang: I haven’t heard your nephew talk about cross talk for a long time. Where has he been?
Opposite seconds back.

Good Samaritan: The company recently had an environmental protection project, and he became the person in charge. He will be back after the project is completed in two days.

Here’s a piece of Tangtang: Yeah.

(I pretended to believe your nonsense.)
Good Samaritan: It’s so late, why don’t you go to bed?It's not good for girls to stay up late.

Here’s a piece of Tangtang: It’s okay, we fairies all want to become immortals. Everything is completely silent at night, which is the best time to absorb the essence of heaven and earth.

Good Samaritan: Pfft, Tangtang, you are so cute.

Tang Yan was so frightened that she had goosebumps all over her body.

Here’s a piece of Tangtang: I’m sleeping, Ann.

Good Samaritan: Good night and sweet dreams.Within 5 minutes, Tang Yan received a private message from Jun Jinghuai.

Gay Zi: Auntie, oh oh oh, my uncle just said he would send someone to take me home.

Gay Zi: Auntie, you are my reborn parents. When I get home, I must give you a banner.

Tang Yan ignored the teasing, and then received another teasing call.

Bai Jingjing's voice was still bluffing: "Yan Bao, come out quickly, I have something to give you."

When Tang Yan came outside the villa, she saw Bai Jingjing holding a big cabbage in her hand.

She walked over.

Bai Jingjing stuffed the cabbage into Tang Yan's arms, and then hugged her: "Baby, it's been a long time since we last met. I miss you so much."

"I just met him at school a few days ago."

Tang Yan would not be so repulsive to people he accepted in his heart, so he did not push this idiot away.

"Bao, you don't know, one day is like three autumns between me and you. Think about it, there have been several autumns between us?"

After saying that, he let go of Tang Yan.

Tang Yan refused to answer the topic and took the cabbage: "So you said you wanted to give me something, this cabbage?"

Bai Jingjing nodded happily. For some reason, she felt happy when she saw Tang Yan, and she wanted to jump with joy.

"Didn't I say last time that I would pull out the flowers in the garden and plant Chinese cabbage? This is the largest one among the first batch of mature ones. I raised them with my own hands and gave them to you."

 One day Dangjun Xiaobawang discovered the truth.

  Jun Xiaobawang: Uncle, you, are you not afraid of the dark?

  Jun Wuye: Did I say I was afraid of the dark?

  Jun Xiaobawang: Then you were locked in an elevator and trembled with fear, and you didn't dare to go to the toilet alone in your old house?

  Jun Wuye: Oh, just pretending.

  Jun Xiaobawang: Why, why did you want to deceive your innocent and lovely nephew?
  Lord Jun: How can I pursue my wife if I don’t do this?Um?

(End of this chapter)

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