Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 121: Forced destruction of the secret realm

Chapter 121: Forced destruction of the secret realm
Chen Xiran said confidently: "I don't know, I don't know."

I don’t understand, I don’t know, so why are you so mysterious?I really thought you were some kind of expert.

"Ha." Tang Yan snorted from his nose, with disdain between his eyebrows.

Chen Xiran squeezed his facial features with a fierce expression: "Smelly woman, what's your expression? Do you look down on this divine bird?"

"Oh, what do you think?"

With such obvious contempt, if he asks this question again, he will be a stupid bird, huh.

Chen Xiran punched the water with his fist.

It's said to be water surface, but it's not really water surface, it just looks similar.

Because even if they were soaked in water, Tang Yan and Chen Xiran's pants and shoes showed no trace of getting wet.

The man glared at Tang Yan fiercely and continued.

"I don't know, it doesn't mean I haven't heard the legend about this place from the villagers. It is said that the secret realm of Tong Lake has no way out, and no living creature has ever been able to get out of this secret realm. As for the situation of the dead, I don't know. .”

Tang Yan looked around: "You mean the Tonghu Secret Realm has only an entrance and no exit?"

"You can say that. If you don't believe it, you can look for it."

Tang Yan lowered his head and stared at the man sitting cross-legged on the water: "I'm looking for him? Why don't you look for him?"

Chen Xiran actually didn't dare to look into Tang Yan's eyes. The red pupils made him feel particularly evil.

He replied: "Why don't I look for it? You don't have any idea? Who injured my leg with a magic weapon?"

His legs are still hurting so much that he can't even stand up.

This time he really failed to steal the chicken but lost a handful of rice.

If he had known that this stinky woman was so weird, he would have planned more carefully.

Tang Yan looked at Chen Xiran, her red lips slightly opened, and she said sharply, "Tsk, you useless bird."

Chen Xiran grabbed a handful of water and threw it up: "Dad, I am not a useless bird. Just wait, I will fly to you later."

This Bifangniao doesn't seem to have a very high IQ.

That's right, a bird has only a few brain cells, how smart can it be expected to be?He is really strong on the outside but strong on the inside. Chen Xiran’s demonic character just looks fierce.

At the moment Chen Xiran threw the water, Tang Yan was already three meters away, so his attack failed again.

There is no sound or wind in this secret place, everything is still.

What's more important is that it's completely impossible to tell the direction with the naked eye.

Tang Yan took out his cell phone, but there was no signal at all.

She clicked on the compass app above again and found that the pointer was always rotating 180 degrees.

It means that the magnetic field is chaotic or the magnetic field is disturbed.

Tang Yan turned around, holding the Demon-Breaking Bow in his hand, and returned to Chen Xiran.

Because Chen Xiran had hardly moved, his position was where they had just fallen.

"Step aside."

"What do you want to do?" His feathers were about to explode. The broken bow just now had knocked out his psychological shadow.

"Step aside."

Tang Yan did not explain, but repeated these two words again, his tone a bit irritable.

Chen Xiran quickly moved a few meters away. He felt that if he didn't get out of the way, the woman might use a bow to hit his head.

Then, he saw Tang Yan holding a bow and hitting the place where he was sitting again and again.

Chen Xiran: "..." Is this woman a devil?So violent.

What if he didn't get out of the way just now?Will my brain blossom?
It's really scary that this stinky woman could really do something like that.

 I refreshed on Monday and the score became low again. Every time I go to the recommendation page, someone secretly gives me a low score. It’s depressing~

  One star, dozens of five-stars can’t save it~ ugh~

(End of this chapter)

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