Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 126 It’s the Duan family again

Chapter 126 It’s the Duan family again
The ugly doll waved his angry little short hand: "Bah, your hand speed as a single man who has been single for ten thousand years is certainly not comparable to that of Ben Tongzi."

Yes, even after staying in the Tianshi system for tens of thousands of years and completing tens of thousands of tasks, Tang Yandu was still single.

There is no option for falling in love. Every day is learning, learning. In addition to learning, it is still learning.

Learn all kinds of knowledge, all kinds and weird.

Believe it or not, she even learned "Local Love Story".

In the plane of "earth-flavored love words", she won the title of "King of Earth-flavors", and she was considered qualified in that plane.

Tang Yan took out another pill and handed it to Chen Xiran: "Take it and it will cure your leg injury."

Her 25 merit points, in addition to paying off debts, are all about suppressing her anger and changing her pills.

The personality has now surrendered, and only the demon personality remains.

I didn't expect this task to be so complicated, and it would be so troublesome to subdue the same person twice.

At this time, cold sweat broke out on Chen Xiran's forehead. If he hadn't been distracted by Tang Yan's rampage, he would have collapsed long ago.

He took the pills from Tang Yan, and they took effect immediately after taking them. His legs no longer hurt, as if the injuries just now were all an illusion.

He didn't ask Tang Yan's specific identity and origin, that wasn't important.

Anyway, he was willing to submit to her, and it had nothing to do with other things.

Tang Yan looked at Chen Xiran with a smile again: "Brother No. 1, how about you release your brother and let me beat him until he is convinced.

Now that you have surrendered, it won't make sense for him to not surrender, right?Being brothers means being neat and tidy. "

Chen Xiran smiled and responded: "I just asked him, and he said he won't come out even if he is beaten to death. If you want him to surrender, you might as well dream."

Yaoge knew that he was not as good as this stinky woman in terms of violence, and he was not as good as this stinky woman in terms of calculations, so he simply hid.Tang Yan expressed disdain in his voice: "Escape is a coward's behavior. Tell him that if he has the ability, he will never come out."

Chen Xiran's voice and aura suddenly changed: "If you don't come out, I won't come out. If you have the ability, come in and beat me. Bah, you stinky woman."

After saying that, he returned the body to Chen Xiran.

Let outsiders see that this big star, a popular niche student, is definitely an elite.

The few people delayed for a while, and it was almost dawn. When they walked out of the woods, they met a person.

Tang Yan remembered that her surname was Duan, Duan Xianyue, a well-known actress in the entertainment industry.

She became a queen when she was young, but because she has always looked at the entertainment industry with traditional concepts, many things are a bit out of step with the trend, which has led to a rapid decline in popularity in recent years.

This time I participated in Peng Shuang's "I'm a Big Star" variety show because I wanted to become famous again.

Duan Xianyue's eyes looked at the people walking out of the woods with deep meaning.

"How did you come out of the forest?" And it seemed to be in the direction of Tong Lake.

Could it be that the cry of the demonic bird last night was related to these people?

Bai Jingjing heard the woman's unkind tone and replied: "It's so early in the morning, can't you get up for a morning run?"

Miss Bai has money and power. If anyone makes her uncomfortable, she will fight back on the spot.

Duan Xianyue's tone was a bit sinister: "It's okay to run in the morning, but if you do something shady, it's not okay. What do you think, Miss Tang?"

This temper seemed familiar. Tang Yan looked at the woman in her thirties but couldn't tell her actual age in front of her and said with certainty: "You are from the Duan family."

 The skill of earthy love words will always be used by DiDiDi~
(End of this chapter)

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