Chapter 145
Do you really think her family’s money was brought by the strong wind? Even 200 million can't satisfy her appetite?

Chen Mingyi pinched the check: "Tang Yan, I checked your life experience, but you are just from a small wealthy family, and your father is not very kind to you. 200 million is already a huge sum of money for you. Don't push yourself too far and be shameless."

Tang Yan put down the milk cup and casually looked into Chen Mingyi's eyes: "Mother Chen, how much money you give me proves how much your son is worth in your heart. You only gave 200 million, do you mean, Your son is only worth 200 million in your heart?"

Even after leaving the Chen family these years, Chen Mingyi's life was not bad.

Chen Xiran made a lot of money, and every time he made money, he would give part of it to Chen Mingyi.

So it's not that she can't get the money, it's just that she doesn't like Tang Yan and doesn't want to give her so much.

Chen Mingyi tore up the 200 million check, wrote another one, and threw it in front of Tang Yan: "500 million, no more, take the money and leave my son quickly."

"Ha." Tang Yan held the check with two fingers and flipped it over for fun: "Two hundred million, no negotiation."

"What? Say it again?" Chen Mingyi suddenly enlarged his voice with an incredible tone.

Two hundred million, this woman is like a lion, why don't you go and rob her.

Tang Yan's expression was a little disappointed: "Hey, I didn't expect that Mother Chen would suffer from behind-the-ear problems at such a young age. I happen to know an authoritative expert in otology. I'll leave you a phone number later. If you tell me my name, you can get a [-]% discount. .”

Chen Mingyi was so angry that he grabbed the pen in his hand: "Two hundred million, even if you have such a big appetite, I'm not afraid of killing you."

"There's no need for Mother Chen to worry about it. I can handle another [-] million."

As Tang Yan spoke, fire suddenly burst out from between his fingers, burning the check completely.

The paper dust fell bit by bit on the white porcelain plate in front of her.

Chen Mingyi stood up suddenly. His expression could not be told whether he was scared or shocked: "You, you, you are not a human being?"

"Whatever you think I am, that's what I am." Chen Mingyi thought of something again and said with certainty: "You are also a demon."

So, Xiran is close to her just because they are the same kind?Isn’t it some kind of love between a man and a woman?
Thinking about it, Xiran had never lied to her, maybe it was really what he said, there was nothing between them.

Tang Yan still said the same thing: "Whatever you think I am, that's what I am."

Chen Mingyi sat down and calmed down: "Tell me, what do you want to do when you approach my Xiran?"

Tang Yan has been observing Chen Mingyi from the beginning to now.

Every time she mentioned Chen Xiran, her expression was contradictory, tender yet ruthless, loving and hateful.

Chen Xiran's personality and demonic style are two completely different styles. I guess he was probably influenced by this woman.

As expected, even fine points can be inherited.

Tang Yan replied: "You can make money by being a bodyguard. Didn't you investigate my life experience? I'm poor."

"You." Chen Mingyi slapped his palm on the table hard: "You are full of nonsense."

Tang Yan didn't want to be entangled anymore, stood up and spoke in a calm tone.

"Whether Chen Xiran is a human or a demon, he was born to you in ten months of pregnancy. It is not his choice to choose his origin.

You only know how to vent your dissatisfaction with life on him, but you never thought that you were one of the initiators, and that your children were the real victims.

Chen Mingyi, no matter from which perspective, you are not a qualified mother. Thinking about how good your son has been to you over the years, does it really matter whether he is a half-demon?
If you don't cherish it now, you really have to wait until you lose it to regret it. By then it may be too late. "

(End of this chapter)

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