Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 147 Killing Formation

Chapter 147 Killing Formation

When Tang Yan realized it, the surrounding scenery began to change.

The surroundings were no longer dark, but suddenly lit up.

There was a piece of grass in front of her, the sky was very blue, the breeze was gentle, and there was a faint fragrance of green grass in the air.

Tang Yan was sure that she was still in the same place, so was she hallucinating?

Could it be that he just fell into the trap of those three zombies without even realizing it?
It didn't seem like it, she had always been cautious, and after thinking about it carefully, she didn't feel that she had been tricked in any way.

On the contrary, the three zombies sometimes behaved very strangely, as if they were setting up something.

Could it be, formation?

Just as Tang Yan was thinking this, the wind around him suddenly became fierce, blowing on his body, bringing with it an icy chill that was biting to the bone.

Immediately afterwards, the grassland was no longer grassland, but turned into an endless glacier.

And Tang Yan was standing on the edge of the cliff. Next to her was the icy abyss. If she was not careful, she would fall to pieces.

"Oh, it is indeed a formation." Tang Yan did not move, still standing in the same place.

The more panicked you are in the formation, the easier it is to step into the door of death.

Tang Yan observed the surrounding situation while holding the Vientiane Star Compass to look for the Formation Eye and Shengmen.

The change of scenery did not bring any fear. The girl was still as calm and comfortable as walking in a leisurely garden.

Tang Yan remained unmoved, as if she had angered the formation. The glacier in front of her collapsed rapidly, revealing hot magma after the collapse.

The entire space quickly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

At the same time, Tang Yan put away the compass, jumped into the sea of ​​fire, and threw out eight lucky stars made of paper talismans, landing in eight directions respectively.

The formation broke, and the dim street was still in front of him.She put her hands in her pockets, her eyebrows were indifferent, and she continued walking towards the Tang family villa as if nothing had happened.

The Tang family at this time.

A middle-aged man with a fat head and big ears and a beer belly, holding a string of sandalwood bracelets in his hand and playing with them, was sitting on the leather sofa opposite Tang Shucheng's family of three.

Suddenly, several sandalwood beads made a few crisp sounds and cracked. The middle-aged man's expression changed: "Not good."

Tang Shucheng swallowed his saliva and looked a little uneasy: "He, Master He, did something happen?"

The middle-aged man named Master He firmly grasped the sandalwood bracelet in his palm: "This eldest daughter of yours is really weird."

He had lost three large items, and he would settle the account with her slowly.

Tang Xiner's face turned pale, and she grabbed Lin Mei's wrist with both hands: "Mom, I told you, that bitch is a monster, and she is indeed a monster."

Master He shook his head: "It doesn't look like a monster, but I suspect there is an expert behind her."

Otherwise, we won't be able to break his formation.

And he had always paid attention to Tang Yan. It was impossible for a straw bag from the countryside to change so much in such a short period of time.

Unless someone is helping her.

If that's the case, he can't take any further action before the person behind her shows his face, so as not to alert the enemy.

Master He looked at Tang Xiner again: "The useless bracelet I gave you before, did you give it to Tang Yan?"

Tang Xiner felt humiliated when she mentioned this. She gritted her teeth tightly and said, "I gave it, but I didn't expect that she actually gave that thing to Xiao Yu. It's just strange that after Xiao Yu put on the bracelet, not only was she fine, but her complexion became worse." It’s getting rosier.”

 Although the pk results are out today, I still want to ask for votes and struggle~Thank you~
(End of this chapter)

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