Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 158 New Song Released

Chapter 158 New Song Released
This song is also called "Feast of Mountains and Rivers" and is also the theme song of the movie "Zhu Tian".

The movie has been well received, and the theme song has also received rave reviews. The melody is grand and delicate, and the ancient lyrics fit perfectly.

In addition, the movie was polished by the film genius Director Zhu for two years.

Even if Chen Xiran's acting skills were not good before, his acting skills in "Zhu Tian" are remarkable.

It can be said that his transformation has been very successful, and he has almost got rid of the title of traffic niche and is on par with the powerful.

Therefore, taking advantage of the momentum, the agency specially arranged this new song launch conference for him.

Chen Xiran asked Tang Yan to participate not only because she is a composer, but also because his fans have asked for it.

His recent comments on Weibo are all in this style.

"Young lady can carry trees, split bricks with bare hands, and compose such amazing music. What kind of fairy lady is she? Mom, I really love her~"

"Brother, brother, I'm sorry. Please allow me to climb the wall for three days. Miss Tangtang is so charming that I can't stand it."

"Thousands of people prayed for Miss Tangtang to show her face at the new song launch. I suddenly felt that it didn't matter whether I saw my brother or not, but I wanted to see Miss Tangtang."

"Upstairs + ID number, brother is still very common, but Miss Tangtang is missing this time, I don't know when I will see you again. I heard from relatives who work in the studio that after Miss Tangtang's bodyguard contract expires this month , it is very likely that the contract will not be renewed.”


As a maniac about doting on fans, Chen Xiran valued the opinions of his true fans, so he made this call to ask Tang Yan.

After a few seconds, Chen Xiran asked again: "Benefactor, will you come?"

Tang Yan gave an affirmative answer: "Yes, I am still your bodyguard now. I should be present on such occasions. Please send me the time and place."

"Well, thank you."

After hanging up the phone, Tang Yan held the phone and looked thoughtful. She was really a very sensible and polite half-demon.

Chou Chou climbed down from the bed, walked behind Tang Yan with his short legs, and climbed along her back and onto her shoulders.

"Zhayan, are you really going to use the soul-splitting grass on that half-demon?" In fact, it is not without risk. If the other party cannot bear the pain of soul-splitting during the soul-splitting process, it is possible that he will die.

Tang Yan spread his hands, and a water ball appeared on his palm. Inside the ball was the soul-splitting grass: "I don't have the right to choose whether to use it or not. It depends on him."

Ugly Baby touched his round chin: "I feel like tomorrow's press conference will be bloody."

The next day, Tang Yan came to the press conference.

Because he was not an insider, Gu Jian had warned fans and reporters in advance to ask them not to take pictures of Tang Yan.

Everyone is also very obedient and won’t take pictures if they don’t want to.

The main reason is that he is worried about the two wealthy people behind Tang Yan, the running pork belly and the little bully who likes to perm his hair.

Although I don’t know the specific origins of these two people, they are definitely not someone they can provoke.

Let’s just say that a second-generation super rich man, known as the Discipline Inspection Commission of the entertainment industry, wrote a few words on Weibo to curse Tang Yan.

Just after "Running Pork Belly" and "Little Bully Who Loves Perming" retweeted that Weibo post at the same time.

The next day, the super rich second generation not only deleted the blog, but also posted a hundred Weibo messages every day for three consecutive days to apologize to Tang Yan in a fancy way.

Each apology Weibo is different and quite literary.

Even the second generation of super rich people give in. You can imagine the origins of "Running Pork Belly" and "Little Bully Who Loves Perming".

That is definitely a class hidden behind the scenes that ordinary people like them cannot reach.

 Thank you Congee Baby, Zitianxiang, and Yijiu Sheng Baby for the reward~

  Thank you for your votes~

(End of this chapter)

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