Chapter 161 Both are dead

Therefore, she actually had a knot in her heart when facing Chen Xiran.

This kind of knot is not only the hatred of the demon, but also the fear of being plotted.

She didn't know what the original demon wanted to do.

He doesn't know when Chen Xiran will become like his father, deceiving her and plotting against her.

After all, she had been hurt once, and the wound was so deep and painful that she often felt helpless when facing Chen Xiran.

I'm afraid that he will suddenly change, betray, or be hurt at any time, for no reason.

Although Tang Yan didn't agree with Chen Mingyi's approach, he didn't understand it.

After all, not everyone can calmly accept their past and the facts that have happened.

Chen Mingyi suddenly grabbed Tang Yan's wrist with excitement: "Tell me, tell me, what can I do to make my Xiran become a complete person?"

Tang Yan pushed Chen Mingyi aside and came to Chen Xiran's ward, and Chen Mingyi followed immediately.

She opened her palms, and a water ball appeared in her palm. Inside the water ball was the soul-splitting grass: "This grass is called soul-killing grass. As the name suggests, it can kill the demon you want to kill."

Tang Yan deliberately referred to the soul-splitting grass as the soul-killing grass, just to make Chen Mingyi believe that only one of the two souls, the human and the demon, could exist.

"Hurry up, use it to kill that monster."

After speaking, Chen Mingyi asked again: "Will it have any impact on personality?"

There was a hint of sarcasm in the corner of Tang Yan's mouth: "I don't know, I only know that this grass is specially used for half-demon. As for whether it will affect the personality, I have never used it, so of course I don't know."

Then, Tang Yan took Chen Mingyi's hand and put the water balloon in her hand: "To use it or not, it's your choice. You just need to put the grass between Chen Xiran's eyebrows, and it will work naturally. You Decide for yourself.”

After saying that, Tang Yan left the ward and stayed in the corridor outside the door without going far.

The ugly doll opened her bag, climbed out, and lay on her shoulders.Fortunately, there was no one in the corridor now, otherwise I would have been frightened by this strange scene.

Chou Chou pulled Tang Yan's hair: "Zha Yan, what do you think Chen Mingyi will choose?"

"Do you even need to ask? The answer is not obvious."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a scream coming from the ward. Tang Yan slowly straightened his clothes, took small steps, and stepped into the ward again.

Chen Mingyi rushed over immediately and grabbed her arm hard: "Why? Why didn't it succeed? Why did my Xiran lose her breath? It's all you. You deliberately wanted to harm our Xiran, right?"

Tang Yan turned his head and saw Chen Xiran slumped on the hospital bed. All the instruments were stopped and there were no signs of life.

Tang Yan pulled Chen Mingyi away.

Because he was worried about the ugly doll that suddenly appeared on Tang Yan's shoulder.

Moreover, the ugly doll could still move and seemed to be glaring at her fiercely.

She now knew more clearly that the woman in front of her was not a human being, so Chen Mingyi did not dare to go too far.

Tang Yan said: "I said that I have never used Soul Killing Grass, so I don't know what the consequences will be.

Maybe in the process of killing the soul, the personality could not bear the pain and perished together with the demon.

Besides, it was your own choice that Chen Xiran would become like this.

Mother Chen, you are now blaming me for the fault, which is just as ridiculous as your refusal to pay for your wrong choices. "

Chen Mingyi was speechless for a moment, but he only slowed down and his attitude became tough again: "I don't care, it was you. It was you who killed my son, you are the harmful person."

"Ha." Tang Yan sneered: "Then do you want your son to come back to life?"

(End of this chapter)

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