Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 164 Mission Completion

Chapter 164 Mission Completion
Tang Yan explained a few more words and left Chen Xiran's ward.

There was a slight breeze blowing in outside the window, and the tulle on the windowsill fluttered gently. Chen Xiran just sat quietly on the hospital bed.

He still had a clear face, but his whole aura was completely different from before. It seemed that he had become extremely mature in one day, and he had a kind of calmness that could see through the world.

At this time, Chen Mingyi slowly opened her eyes. She looked a little confused and sat up.

Looking at Chen Xiran, the trace of cruelty in his eyes was gone, and his whole aura was very soft: "Xiran, mom seems to have had a long, long dream."

Chen Xiran stretched out his hand to tidy up the broken hair around her ears: "Oh? What did mom dream about?"

Chen Mingyi smiled: "Actually, it's not a dream, but I suddenly felt that the previous experience seemed like a big dream."

Then, she stretched out her hands and held Chen Xiran's hand: "Actually, whether you are a human or a monster, you are my mother's child. I shouldn't vent all the misfortunes in my life on you. I'm sorry, it was my mother's fault.

From now on, let’s get along well, okay?Maybe you won’t believe it, and you think I am one thing when I am awake, and another thing when I am crazy.

However, time can prove everything. Mom, I will never go crazy again. No matter what you are like in the future, mom will not care. You believe mom. "

"Yes." Chen Xiran turned his head and smiled at her: "Mom, I believe it."

As soon as Tang Yan arrived home, a message came from the God Realm app.

[The half-demon task is half completed. The remaining merit value for obtaining the task is 25. After subtracting the 2 merit points of the replaced empathy lamp, there are 23 merit points left. It has been distributed to the account. Please pay attention to check, if you are satisfied. , please give me a five-star review, okay! 】

Tang Yan: "..." This style of painting makes people want to complain.

Tang Yan came to her room. As soon as she sat on the stool, there was a knock on the window.

Tang Yan opened it, and a black bird jumped in, flew around the room, and looked at her with disdain.

Then he stopped on the desk, rolled up a pen with his black wings, and wrote a few big characters on the white paper: Tianting Express.

Tang Yan: "Is this black and feathery bird mute? I'm not discriminating against mutes. It's just that mutes deliver express, which seems a bit inconvenient for communication."

Unexpectedly, the bird's black hair suddenly exploded: "You are the mute, your whole family is mute, listen to my voice that is like the sound of nature, you are jealous of me, Bird Bird."


Isn’t there a normal employee in Tianting Express?
He used to be a weird rain god who worked part-time, but last night it was another slow turtle who came to deliver the empathy lamp.

It took Tang Yan three hours to talk to him and collect the extra express.

Is it another broken bird like this that came to pick up the express delivery today?
At this time, the black bird suddenly reacted and said in a sharp voice: "Wait a minute, what did you just say? You said this baby is a broken bird? Bah, let me tell you, I am the most noble person in the nine heavens. Divine bird, phoenix, you stinky woman, with long hair and short knowledge, hum.”

Well, with this dark appearance, I really can’t tell it’s a phoenix.

Suddenly I felt that it would be better to use the Rain God’s weird courier, at least it looks good on the eyes.

 Please help me catch typos, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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