Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 169 It’s raining wherever you go

Chapter 169 It’s raining wherever you go
Tang Yan thought that a boss like him would waste time picking up money dropped on the ground. He must have more than a dozen drivers on standby when he goes out.

Driving by herself was not the style she had imagined.

Jun Liyan's expression was very pale, but his brows were gentle: "Yanyan, you may not understand me well, but it doesn't matter. In the future, we will have many opportunities to understand deeply."

Tang Yan: "..." I always feel like the wheels of the car have hit my face, but baby, I have no evidence.

The sky is filled with dark clouds, so the light today is much darker than usual. The world outside the car is dark and depressing.

However, the atmosphere inside the car is surprisingly peaceful and warm.

Tang Yan, although she is a bit scumbag and looks very cold, she has an inexplicable affinity with her.

As long as she is willing, she can get along with anyone and perfectly integrate into any group without any sense of disobedience.

Just like her and those gods, there is a huge gap between humans and gods, but most people are respectful and awe-inspiring when facing gods.

And she can still deal with it with a normal heart, so even though she is always annoying people on the God Realm app, in fact, the gods still like her quite a bit.

But Jun Liyan is different. He has too strong aura and sharp edge. In any scene, he seems to be a superior person who controls everything, and is incompatible with the people around him.

But for such an incompatible person, when he got along with Tang Yan, he felt an inexplicable sense of harmony.

Even though the two of them have not known each other for a long time and don't know much about each other, they are like old friends who have a tacit understanding and there is no awkwardness in getting along.

Otherwise, Tang Yan wouldn't secretly plan to punish him.

Jun Liyan looked at the girl's slightly raised corners of her mouth, and the curve of her lips couldn't help but soften a little: "Have you thought of something happy?"

Of course, he felt that what could make her happy must be something that could harm or cause harm to others.

He actually saw Tang Yan's nature very clearly.

And when she asks him out this time, it will definitely not be that simple. He just wants to see what she wants to play.

It's really cute after all.Tang Yan smiled and narrowed her eyes and replied: "My ugly doll performed a headstand this morning. I think it was quite fun."

Chou Chou in the satchel: "..."

Is that what I want to perform?It's you, a scumbag, who made me walk on my head and forced me to stand on my head and feet.

Besides, is the head used for walking?He was so angry that he wanted to run away from home on the spot.

Seeing the girl's smile, Jun Liyan was in an inexplicably good mood, and he also smiled: "That is indeed quite interesting. Next time I have a chance, let me see the ugly doll standing on its head."

Chou Chou in the satchel: "..."

This black-hearted man is a good match for Zha Yan.

Wait, it can't match.

If he really wants to be worthy, will he be a scum*2 from now on, and will he be tortured twice as much? Will Chouchou still want to live?Unification is difficult.

While the two were talking, they came to the meeting place, the tallest skyscraper in the capital.

Jun Liyan got out of the car first, then held an umbrella and opened the passenger door for Tang Yan, very gentlemanly and polite.

Jun Liyan: "The weather forecast says there will be no rain in the next few days. I don't know why it keeps raining."

Tang Yan: "Oh, maybe someone has offended the Rain God."

Chou Chou: "!!!" Are you embarrassed to mention it?

Tang Yan got out of the car, and Jun Liyan suddenly felt that within the range of their umbrellas, the raindrops were fierce and the thunderbolts were crashing, as if in response to what Tang Yan had just said.

(End of this chapter)

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