Chapter 180 Live Streaming

After a while, the other person sent a message silently.

Yuyao’s brother: What’s the matter with your name?What tricks do you want to play this time?
Divorced at [-] with two children: Bad brother, you are talking nonsense. Xiaoyu is very obedient this time. She changed her online name to get closer to her sister Yanyan.

Yuyao’s brother:? ? ?
Can changing a name like this bring us closer?Did his sister have some misunderstanding, or was the person called Sister Yan Yan a freak?

But Xiaoyu doesn't like others to interfere with her affairs.

Therefore, he has no intention to investigate this strange sister Yanyan for the time being. Let's check the situation first.

Here, Shi Yao slept on the table until school was over and didn't even eat lunch.

Tang Yan observed for a day and found that except for the word he said when he entered the classroom, he didn't say another word.

Quite aloof and unapproachable personality.

But he is also very consistent with the characteristics of an aloof male god. He is handsome, cold, cool, and can play games well.

Tang Yan asked Yuyao: "What method should I use if I want to get close to Yao?"

Yuyao thought seriously for a few seconds: "I guess it can't be based on looks. God Yao looks at any girl like that, without even moving his eyebrows. I even doubt that human looks really cast a shadow in his eyes." , are all unknown.”

"It seems there is only one way, and that is to rely on games to get close to him."

Yuyao's eyes lit up: "Sister Yanyan, are you good at playing games? In fact, Xiaoyu, I am also good at playing games. I am also a big anchor on the Dog Ya platform."

Tang Yan answered honestly: "My skills are not bad, but I'm lucky, and I have the physique of a European emperor when playing games."

Then, Tang Yan asked Xiaoyu for advice on the specific process of becoming an anchor.

Within two days, the information submitted by Tang Yan passed the review, and she became a new anchor of Game of Kings on the Dog Ya platform.

Name: Can lie down at any time.

On the day Tang Yan started broadcasting, he didn't tell anyone, so he just started live broadcasting by himself.Just started the first game, the bronze game.

Because she has never played games before, she learned her game skills from the Tianshi system.

Therefore, this is her first time to register an account in real life.

She chose Li Bai as jungler.

Just after she was shot to death by a wild monster for the third time, someone finally couldn't help but post a barrage.

[Fuck, brother, you are so stupid that I, a novice, can’t stand it anymore. You were beaten to death by wild monsters three times while playing Li Bai in the Bronze Game. 】

[You can’t even defeat the weakest human machine, so you still have the nerve to start a live broadcast?Am I better at playing games with my feet than you? 】

Nowadays, the Bronze Game will basically be matched with humans and machines, or players who practice trumpets.

Obviously, in Tang Yan's game, there were at least two humans and machines on the opposite side, standing in front of her and asking her to kill, and she was still beaten to death by wild monsters.

Even a game novice who is playing the game for the first time cannot be this weak.

[Anchor, why don’t you speak?Or are you actually deliberately killing wild monsters for the sake of show effect? 】

Tang Yan didn't use a voice changer, but still had her own original voice, and replied: "Did you see the host's name? Just watch this game carefully, I can still win."

At this time, the barrage suddenly increased.

[Holy shit, it’s actually a young lady. Her voice is so nice. Wouldn’t it be nice to play games with her? To be honest, with your skills, there is no future. 】

[It doesn’t matter if the voice sounds good. In e-sports, being a bad person is the original sin. If I want to be matched with such an idiot jungler, it will be really bad luck for eight lifetimes. 】


(End of this chapter)

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