Chapter 198 Crab Ancestor
The ugly doll crawled out of the bamboo basket, took a hemp rope and floated it in front of Tang Yan: "Zha Yan, tie up this crab spirit and torture it, if you don't believe he doesn't tell the truth."

Lotus also floated over: "Hey, stinky woman, this bird has recently become successful in cultivation and can breathe fire. Let me breathe fire to burn this crab essence. You see, his two big pincers must be full of meat. Burning It should taste delicious."

After saying that, flames burst out all around the lotus. The temperature was so high that you could feel it was melting even if you didn't get close.

The crab spirit was so frightened that he hid sideways: "Don't come here, come here again, I, I'm going to scream."

Chou Chou: "What kind of talk is this about tigers and wolves? This crab spirit is so stupid."

Lianhua: "Even if you are so stupid, you dare to climb over the network cable to scare people, and you don't even think about how much you weigh."

The crab spirit is very aware of his own cultivation. He has just transformed into a human form not long ago. It's okay to scare people, but if he really wants to compete with spells, he will be a fighting scum among the weak.

Therefore, he has not dared to resist until now.

The Crab Spirit was so frightened that he knelt down and said, "Everyone, I made a mistake. Can you be kind and please let me go? I swear I will never crawl on the net again, even in this life."

In fact, this is also his first time climbing a network cable. Who knew it would be so difficult the first time? Mom, you are right, the human world is really scary.

Tang Yan picked up the empty glass bottle on the desk and walked over, pushing it down and placing it on the ground: "Should you go in by yourself, or should I send you in, eh?"

The voice was faint, but the threat was clear.

The crab spirit knew that he had no choice: "I, I will go in by myself."

"Wait a minute." Tang Yan stopped him again: "Who is the father of your previous online name?"

"You are my father, my biological father."

"Bah, I'm so beautiful, how could I have a son as ugly as you? Tell me again who is whose father?"

This, could this be the kind of legendary proposition given on the Internet?
Crab, he has never read a book, and he doesn’t have much education. If this educated person asks a question, how should he answer it so as not to get slapped?
It was really hard for him.

The crab spirit rolled his eyes, and the two large pincers turned into two hands. Then he took out his mobile phone and logged into the Game of Kings.

Change the ID name above to: Lying God is my ancestor.

Then he looked at Tang Yan with pleading eyes: "God, do you think this is okay? If this beautiful father can't give birth to an ugly son, then this ancestor has been separated by so many generations, and his descendants will always have some crooked melons and cracked dates. , right? Ancestor, please spare your life."

Chou Chou patted his round thighs with a "hahaha" sound: "No, this crab spirit is so stupid. It made me laugh to death."

Lotus also spit out two words: "Crab talent."

Tang Yan couldn't tell whether he was satisfied or dissatisfied with the answer. He pointed at the glass bottle: "Go in."

Then, he saw the crab curled up on the floor and transformed into its true form, a big blue crab about the size of a table.

The blue crab muttered: "Ancestor, can you put it in a bigger bottle? I'm fatter."

Very picky.

Ancestor Yan of the Tang Dynasty: "It's okay. I'll make you into crab paste." There was still a bit of eagerness in his tone, as if he really wanted to make crab paste.

The green crab was so frightened that it quickly shrunk down to a size suitable for the glass bottle and crawled sideways into the glass bottle with its two pliers.

(End of this chapter)

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