Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 202 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Chapter 202 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
After doing these things, the sky turned slightly white. Tang Yan went out for a run, then went home, washed up, and went to school.

Shi Yao didn't come to school the whole day, and it was still the same on the second and third days.

The class was noisy, but Mr. Niu was still talking to himself on the podium, very passionately.

Yuyao pulled Tang Yan and bit her ear: "Sister Yanyan, I think Yao Shen is avoiding you on purpose."

If he was avoiding her on purpose, he must have known her identity.

Did he guess it himself, or did the crab spirit tell him?
She deliberately let go of the crab essence, but she actually wanted to alarm Shi Yao. The man's mood was too light, too light to guess his inner feelings, so she could only think of ways to stimulate him.

She was just too excited to come to school, which she didn't expect, but it was also possible that she was caught up in other things.

After all, he is a professional player, so his time arrangement is definitely different from that of ordinary technical school students.

Maybe he is training with the team these days.

Yuyao added: "I asked his teammates about it, and he didn't go to the training base. It seems he asked for leave there."

"How do you know his teammates?" The child has a really wide range of friends.

Yuyao chuckled: "Actually, they are also big anchors on Gouya. I often get matched with them during live broadcasts, so I added a friend.

By the way, a fan came to my live broadcast room yesterday and left a message, saying that you live broadcast for too little time every day and it is not enough to watch. Please let me help. I hope you can live broadcast for a longer time in the future. "

Tang Yan mainly wanted to match Shi Yao. Every time she couldn't match, she would quit the game after a few games.

She can't always waste time playing games. She is actually quite busy at ordinary times. She has to practice, study, deal with various things, and collect all kinds of information.

All her apparent ease is due to her extraordinary efforts behind the scenes. No matter how hard you work, you will gain something. Nothing is taken for granted.

Tang Yan replied: "This is called hunger marketing. I will always get tired of watching it every day. However, my game live broadcast style is the only one on the Internet. This is the only one. If they are not satisfied with watching today, they will come again tomorrow, so that the fans can always maintain their enthusiasm." ." Yuyao smiled and narrowed her eyes: "..." Sister Yanyan, I think you are just lazy, but Xiaoyu, I am sensible and will not expose you.

At this time, Niu Laoban stood in front of Tang Yan at some point and lowered his head: "Were you just discussing Shi Yao?"

Xiaoyu raised her little head cutely and tilted her head to one side, and her dark eyes moved flexibly: "Old Ben, how do you know?"

Niu Laoban's arrogant expression said: "Don't look at you Laoban, I have a big beer belly and my head is a bit cold and bald, but I also have special skills."

Xiaoyu cooperated and exclaimed: "Speak in human language."

"Oh, actually it's Laoban and I can lip read. I saw everything you just said."

Tang Yan took a serious look at Niu Laoban again. He was a very ordinary middle-aged uncle with a common appearance and temperament. There was nothing special about him.

But Lantian Technical School was a special place. A class teacher could lip read, so she would pay more attention. She looked at Yuyao next to her.

This Blue Sky Technical School is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Niu Laoban continued: "Shi Yao also asked me for leave a few days ago. When will he come back? He said he didn't know. It depends on the situation."

Yuyao asked: "Did something happen to Yao Shen's family?"

 Thanks for the reward, Congee Baby~

  Thank you for your subscription and recommendation tickets~
  Ouch~Good night~

(End of this chapter)

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