Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 211 Snake Meridian Disease

Chapter 211 Snake Meridian Disease
Bai Jingjing didn't want to deal with this dude anymore and took another step to the side. Jiang Rufei also took a step in the same direction. Bai Jingjing moved again, and Jiang Rufei also moved.

Anyway, just don't let her go.

Bai Jingjing was very impatient: "Jiang Dandy, what do you want to do?"

In fact, to be precise, he didn't know what he wanted to do by not letting her go.

Just seeing how much the Shi family's mother liked Bai Jingjing, I felt full of crisis.

So without thinking, he rushed out of the house and blocked Bai Jingjing's way.

Maybe he just wanted to look at her, even if she was scolding him, it would sound good to her.

Bai Jingjing felt a little scared when she was stared at by Jiang Rufei: "Hey, are you crazy because of some stimulation?"

"Ah, maybe he's a little crazy." Jiang Rufei responded with curled lips, his clear and gentle eyes falling on Bai Jingjing's face, which was a little intoxicating, evil and charming.

Bai Jingjing felt goosebumps all over her body. She reached out and grabbed her arms, and then raised her fists: "Get out, or daddy will beat you."

"Er Jing, you can't beat me."

When he said the word "erjing", his tone rose slightly. There was no curse or ridicule in his tone, it was more like a kind of intimacy.

Bai Jingjing took out her mobile phone and said with sarcasm in her voice: "How can the eldest lady do it herself? I don't know how to call a helper."

She was planning to call Butler Bai and ask him to send more bodyguards. The eldest lady had met a madman.

Jiang Rufei stretched out his hand to hold Bai Jingjing's wrist and quickly took away her mobile phone: "How can I let you call for help smoothly?"

"Damn it, I'm going to risk it all." Bai Jingjing stamped her feet angrily: "If you get mad again, I'll bite you to death."

After saying that, he also showed off his white teeth, which made him look even more cute.

Jiang Rufei's heart moved. He had to settle on her as soon as possible, otherwise he would regret it for the rest of his life if someone snatched her away. "Er Jingjing, come with me for a walk." Jiang Rufei let go of Bai Jingjing's wrist and glanced around.

Bai Jingjing thought for two seconds and looked at Jiang Rufei with a very strange expression: "So, you stopped me just to let me walk with you?"

This man is suffering from snake syndrome. His head was caught in the door.

"Ah, that's right." He didn't know how to answer this question.

Bai Jingjing saw the man-made lake behind the man again, a cunning light flashed in her eyes, and she agreed: "Okay, let's make an agreement first. I will only take a walk with you for a while. You can't waste too much of my time. I'll be there later." I’ll have something to do when I get home later.”

The eldest lady just pretends that she is walking the dog. Anyway, walking Xiaobai is quite smooth. She is good at dog walking.

Jiang Rufei didn't know Bai Jingjing's psychological activities, but he knew her a little bit. To be so well-behaved all of a sudden, he must have some bad intentions in mind.

He just takes a look.

Then Jiang Rufei returned the phone to Bai Jingjing, and the two took a leisurely walk along the artificial lake.

After walking half a circle, a little boy selling flowers ran over. He was wearing British-style overalls and round-toed black leather shoes. He looked very cute and cute, and he was holding up a few roses.

"Brother, your girlfriend is so beautiful, buy some flowers."

According to normal logic, Jiang Rufei should happily buy flowers and give them to Bai Jingjing.

But the dude decided not to take the usual path: "How much does it cost?"

"Big brother, one flower costs five hundred."

Jiang Rufei leaned forward and joked from the corner of his eyes: "This kind of shabby flower costs five hundred. My little friend, do you think I am being taken advantage of? Do you think I look like a fool?"

(End of this chapter)

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