Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 218 Bamboo Forest Alley

Chapter 218 Bamboo Forest Alley
Tang Yan walked up to Jun Liyan and put her hand on his shoulder: "Are you okay?"

Jun Liyan looked up. That face made people feel the injustice of the Creator whenever he looked at it. How could there be such a good-looking man?

The man's face was gloomy, with a faint red color at the corners of his eyes. He was noble and cold, but extremely evil. His whole person looked dangerous and dark.

Tang Yan had never seen him like this before and paused for a moment.

The moment the two people's eyes met, the man suddenly took action, grabbed Tang Yan's wrist, and pulled her into his arms. His chin rested directly on her shoulder, and his cool breath hit her neck. It's a little itchy and a little strange.

Onlookers Jun Jinghuai: "..." Really, uncle, baby, I realize now that you are such a beast.

Tang Yan clenched and unclenched his fists. Forget it, he wouldn't beat him because he was a patient.

It's just that it's not an option to continue like this. If she has time, she has to go to the God Realm app to see if she can ask Laojun to exchange a pill to cure his disease.

If the God Realm app didn't work, she would go to the demon market to cure his problem.

After a while, Jun Liyan seemed to have recovered. He let go of Tang Yan and looked remorseful: "I'm sorry."

Tang Yan looked at her right wrist, which was still being held, and raised her eyebrows. If you could let me talk, your apology might be more credible.

Jun Liyan turned his head at the same time, missed Tang Yan's gaze, and looked at Jun Jinghuai: Are you okay?

What the hell, he is just a tool, he throws it away after use, so cruel and ruthless.

Jun Jinghuai made a voice: "Well, I still have some business to finish. Uncle, you should be fine here, so I'll get out of the way first. Goodbye, aunt."

After saying that, he ran away as if there was a dog chasing him, and also drove away the luxury car parked on the side of the road.

"???" Don't you want your brother-in-law anymore?So how does he get home?Swing your legs and walk back?

Tang Yan looked at the sky and saw that it was still early: "If you have nothing important to do? Can you accompany me somewhere?" She originally planned to go to the monster shop today.

Jun Liyan stood up and replied in a nice voice: "Okay." But he still didn't let go.

Forget it, just treat him as a patient and don't care about him.

Tang Yan followed the address given by Crab Jing and came to a cold alley.

There are no houses here. Both sides of the alley are surrounded by courtyard walls. On the other side of the courtyard walls are bamboos that grow very well and are lush and green. There is a faint fragrance of bamboo lingering in the entire alley.

The sunlight penetrates through the bamboo, and sparse shadows hit the ground, mottled and quiet, which makes people's hearts calm down.

Tang Yan walked to the middle of the alley and knocked three times on a brick on the left courtyard wall.

Immediately afterwards, a small wooden door appeared at the place where the knock was made, and it was not locked.

Tang Yan knocked a few times to indicate that she was going in, then opened the door and walked in. Jun Liyan followed behind her, still holding her right wrist very stubbornly, but the movement was very gentle and did not let go. People feel something is uncomfortable.

Behind the wooden door is a dense bamboo forest. Obviously this should be another space, because at a glance, the bamboo forest has no end.

There is a cobblestone path on the ground, which should lead somewhere.

They walked on the cobblestone path and after twists and turns, a small bamboo hut appeared in front of them.

Someone was playing the piano in the room. The music was clear and beautiful, just like the flowing water in a mountain stream, crisp and sweet.


(End of this chapter)

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