Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 220 Applying for a Certificate and Engraving a Seal

Chapter 220 Applying for a Certificate and Engraving a Seal
After Jun Liyan finished speaking, Han Shan stopped talking, and the atmosphere became cold.

Tang Yan couldn't help but break the embarrassment: "What, how much does this cup of Wangyou tea cost?"

The handsome Hanshan took out his mobile phone from his robe and called up the QR code: "Girl, just give me some incense money."

"..." It's a mobile phone and a QR code. Thinking of the weird gods in the God World app, this group of people is really down to earth.

"I thought someone like you only knew cashiers."

"You can take it if you can." Han Shan waved his hand, and what appeared on the floor next to him were pots, pans, hoes, bacon, bear paws, jade, gold, etc., flashing past.

Hanshan added: "I will accept everything."

You are collecting rags.

Tang Yan twitched the corner of his mouth and wanted to pay the bill, but Jun Liyan took out his mobile phone first: "After all, it is my own illness, I will pay for it myself."

Then I saw Jun Liyan pay 3.8.

Hanshan: "!!!" 38?Are you responding to his cup of green tea and scolding him in a roundabout way?Ha, that's interesting.

Tang Yan didn't think much about it, he just felt that even if this cup of tea was an ordinary tea, it would definitely be more than 3.8. Jun Wuye was really stingy.

But for a monster shop owner whose origins are unknown, this amount is considered reasonable!

Tang Yan thought for a while and asked: "Can I take the liberty to ask, what kind of business does your store accept?"

Hanshan used a very cold tone and said very down-to-earth words: "The main business is to apply for certificates and engrave seals, and the deputy business is to provide psychological counseling."

After speaking, he looked at Jun Liyan specifically.

Tang Yan felt that this deputy battalion had just been added, and it was too difficult to get the certificate and engrave the seal, so it couldn't be said that he was lying to her. After all, Crab Jing's ID card was all applied for here.

The first time he came here, he treated it as a face-to-face meeting, and Tang Yan left the monster shop without staying long.Coming out of the gray wall, Tang Yan turned his head and looked behind him: "Fifth Master, what do you think?"

"You said that rotten man in ancient costume just now? He was too ugly."

Tang Yan: "..." She didn't know how to answer the question for a moment, but she always felt that the man was not what he seemed, and the way he looked at Jun Liyan seemed not right.

Never mind, she'll figure it out one day.

She suddenly realized that the two of them were still "holding hands" and looked at her right wrist: "Is that cup of tea useless? We were deceived?"

If that were the case, she would immediately go back to the handsome man in ancient costume and ask for triple compensation for the fraudulent consumption, which would mean she would earn 11.4.

Originally, he wanted to hold her for a while, but now that she had reacted, Jun Liyan let go and said, "It may be of some use."

Tang Yan: "!!!" Really, I always feel that your illness is a bit too casual.

Just after Tang and Yan passed through the wall, another man appeared in the bamboo pavilion. If Tang Yan were here, he would definitely recognize him as the man who had plotted against the vixen, Xu Ran.

Xu Ran knelt on one knee: "Master, will this Tang Yan ruin our affairs?"

A dangerous light flashed in Hanshan's eyes: "No matter who it is, they can't mess with my affairs."

It was really unexpected to meet them at this time, but they would meet sooner or later, it was just that the time was advanced, which did not affect his plan.

At this moment, another voice suddenly sounded in the bamboo pavilion: "Oh, you master and servant are still indifferent after so many years."

Then, a man in red clothes appeared in the pavilion. He was so beautiful that he was arrogant and flamboyant. His long and narrow red phoenix eyes were slightly raised, enchanting and charming.

"Hanshan, bah, bullshit Hanshan, have you gotten so bad that you don't even dare to say your real name?"

(End of this chapter)

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