Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 223: 1 Dead, 1 Free

Chapter 223

Tang Yan found a computer next to the window and sat down. Yuyao sat next to her and adjusted the equipment.

Shi Yao thought for a while, sat in front of them, turned on the computer, plugged in the headphones, selected a guqin song to play in a loop, and then logged into the game.

As soon as Tang Yan connected to her live broadcast room, someone started posting comments.

[Return, the missing person has finally returned]

[God, have you finally remembered your live broadcast account password?Baby, I’m left with tears of emotion]

[Drive quickly, drive quickly, my script has been written, let me see if Lying God is following my script]


Yuyao also started live broadcasting. This time she chose a rough Chinese accent, which is very suitable for her "[-]s divorced with two children" ID.

Forty-year-old divorced with two children: "This time, there are five rows. Guess who is there. Except for me, I guess two more. Take a screenshot and I will ask the management to send you a 999 red envelope."

[Bet 100 yuan, there must be a lying god. There is no doubt about this. The cruel loli is now the little follower of the lying god]

[Upstairs, you are talking nonsense, I boldly guess that there is also the God Yao, and the lying god probably has the God Yao in his hands]

[The person who said Yao God earlier was probably dreaming. How could Yao God like Lying Dog? Do you think he is a superficial man like you?]

Then I saw Yuyao opened the fifth row of rooms and gathered her teammates. She was in her forties and divorced with two children. She could lie down at any time. AB Shiyao, a big chrysanthemum, my little Bai could juggle.

The name in Shi Yao's game is the first two letters of the team name plus the real name, which is very straightforward and simple.

The big chrysanthemum is his teammate, Chen Ju.

My little Bai knows how to juggle, and naturally he is Bai Erjing.

After the team formation was completed, Tang Yan's live broadcast room exploded.

[I, I, I, I wonder if I am blind. Did the God of Lying really win over the God Yao? 】【What a short time it has taken. As expected of Koi, this is such good luck. I have decided to come to the live broadcast room every day to worship Koi regardless of whether I am broadcasting or not.】

[Lying God, Yao God, they are all gods, I am addicted to these CPs]

[Come on, your sister, the lying god belongs to my uncle. Don’t make blind guesses. She and Shi Yao are friends]

[Hey, the barrage just now seems to be from the rich man who bought gifts, "I am a lying husband." Why does it involve a brother-in-law?Hehe, I smell dog blood]


Tang Yan was concentrating on choosing a hero, so he didn't notice the barrage just now.

She was still very persistent in choosing the jungle position, and her follower Bai Jingjing grabbed the support instantly. Then Yuyao chose a wing fighter, Chen Ju played the mage, and Shi Yao played the shooter.

It's still the same as Lao Fang, who will get the first kill within 30 seconds of the start.

But this time it was different from usual. This time, he directly sent the opposite jungler a double kill in the river.

[Appeared, appeared, the legendary Nosuke collaborated, one died and the other was given away]

[Is there something wrong with this support?She could run away just now, but she wanted to go up and kill someone. She couldn't understand this operation]

While Bai Jingjing was playing, she was also watching the live broadcast on another mobile phone, so she turned on the mic directly: "What do you know? This is called two people committing suicide for love. How can I let my family treasure die alone? What's wrong with giving each other two heads?" We can still win this round.”

[Girl, what you said makes so much sense, I can’t even refute it]

[Ah, the lilies in my hometown are blooming again and again]

[Hahaha, I’m laughing so hard. I’m playing a game. Gods both die for their love. What kind of weird friends are they? Is this the legendary bird of a feather flocking together? 】


(End of this chapter)

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