Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 226 Abandoned Teaching Building

Chapter 226 Abandoned Teaching Building
"How happy are you? Smile and show me." Tang Yan raised her eyebrows and looked at him.

Shi Yao was startled for a moment, what a strange reaction this was.

Shouldn't we be shy when accepting an appointment from our sweetheart? Shouldn't we be blushing with heartbeat?

She even smiled to see if she was just trying to be funny?This woman must be poisonous.

"Classmate Tang, you are still so cute." Shi Yaoming smiled brightly: "I have prepared a gift for you. It is in this teaching building. Let's go and see it together, okay?"

This impostor started pretending to be someone without even knowing the true character of the real person. His professional skills are not up to par.

Tang Yan held a piece of candy in his mouth and said vaguely, "Ah, let's go."

After saying that, he stepped into the abandoned teaching building first.

Shi Yao looked at his back, a green light flashed in his eyes, and his shadow on the ground suddenly twisted into a weird shape, and then he followed into the teaching building.

"Is this the gift you are talking about?" Tang Yan used his mobile phone to illuminate.

The railings of the stairs are covered with bright red roses, and the ground is also covered with a thin layer of rose petals, as if leading to a certain place.

This fake is so particular.

"Well, I heard that you girls will be very happy when you receive roses." Shi Yao continued: "Actually, what I really want to give you is still in the music classroom on the third floor. Can we go up and have a look?"

Although Shi Yao tried his best to sound gentle, he could still hear the impatience and resentment in some of his tone that could not be concealed.

Tang Yan came to the music classroom on the third floor. The moment she stepped into the classroom door, a beautiful sound of music sounded in the room, and candles were placed on the ground to form a huge heart shape.

The candlelight lit up the classroom, giving it a hazy beauty. Under the swaying candlelight, Tang Yan seemed to see some pattern flickering on the ground.

Shi Yao tilted his head, raised his lips and smiled softly: "Yanyan, do you like it?"

With such a tacky routine, did this faker still live 20 years ago?
"Oh, I like it." There was no surprise on Tang Yan's face.She has been acting so perfunctory, and this impostor still can't notice it. Is it because she is too stupid, or is she doing this on purpose?

In fact, Tang Yan was overthinking it, because she was usually so cold and indifferent in class, so the impostor thought she was like this when she showed that she liked this emotion.

Shi Yao pursed his lips and asked sheepishly: "Then can you stand among the candles? I have something to say to you."

Tang Yan put the satchel behind him, opened the zipper, and Chou Chou ran out of it, hiding in the darkness. All his movements were almost in the blink of an eye.

Because the place where Tang Yan was standing was relatively dark, Shi Yao didn't seem to notice it.

Tang Yan took a few steps forward and stood in the center of the candle.

At this moment, Shi Yao's expression began to turn ferocious, and he murmured to himself: "Great Lord Demon King, I sacrifice this delicious soul to you, please enjoy it."

After speaking, Shi Yao looked at Tang Yan with a proud smile on his face.

However, nothing happened. Tang Yan's big and clear eyes blinked: "Classmate, you seem to be an unprofessional dancer."

"How is it possible? How could the sacrifice formation be useless?" Shi Yao took a few steps back and shook his head with a ferocious expression.

"Chou Chou, come on." Tang Yan pointed out his finger.

Then an ugly doll jumped out of the darkness and kicked Shi Yao in the face.

Shi Yao fell to the ground. When she got up again, she had changed into a girl with long hair and average appearance.

Tang Yan rubbed his chin: "Classmate, you look a bit familiar."

 This mission will be completed tomorrow or the day after tomorrow~

(End of this chapter)

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