Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 241 The Origin of the River God

Chapter 241 The Origin of the River God
Shi Yao said, "Let him go. I can tell you whatever you want to know. Even if you want to do something, as long as it doesn't hurt other people, I will agree."

Although Tang Yan said that she was here to help him, they had just met, so it was normal for him not to trust her. There was a lack of understanding between them.

It's just that she doesn't have the heart to slowly gain someone's trust.

There is no rule that you cannot use threats to complete tasks.

Anyway, she is not a good person.

"No hurry, Yao Shen, let's chat first."

The crab spirit cried loudly: "Bad girl, you put the crab next to the fire and chat with me? It's so hot. Look, my crab shell has turned red. It's almost ripe. It's almost ripe."

Tang Yan still had some conscience and moved the glass bottle a little further away from the fire.

She then pointed to the small river ditch next to her: "God Yao, do you know anything about this river god?"

Shi Yao was not surprised that Tang Yan would ask this. It seemed that she had probably guessed his identity. She was really a very smart girl.

Shi Yao glanced at the crab essence in the glass bottle, then turned his head: "I know, the river god of this river is not actually a god, but a person who unfortunately drowned in this river.

However, one day, a ferry capsized in the river. At that time, he didn't know where the strength came from, and he was so eager to save people that he actually saved a whole boat of people.

Later, I don’t know since when, a legend began to spread in the places where this river passed, saying that there was a river god in this river, and he would protect them as long as they worshiped the river god.

As a result, more and more people began to worship the river god by bringing sacrifices.People in ancient times had devout beliefs, and it was precisely because of the power of these beliefs that the ordinary creature who was drowned also gained merit.

Later, the power of faith in him grew more and more, and he was really promoted to a little river god. "

Shi Yao's voice stopped, and Tang Yan continued: "So the power of this river god comes from people's faith. Nowadays, times have changed, and few people believe in him anymore, and the external appearance is the river. The water in the river is getting less and less, which actually means that the power of the river god is getting weaker and weaker."

It’s not what the old man said because no one believes in it, so God is unwilling to bless the world, so the river water will decrease.

It's because the river god's power is gradually draining away.

Although Shi Yao's expression did not change, the helplessness was obvious in his eyes: "The times are developing like this, there is no way, this is normal.

In fact, if you think about it, you can understand that the development of science and technology has saved more human beings, and there is no need for everyone to believe in the so-called illusory gods. "

Tang Yan put the roasted vegetables into the bowl: "Belief is a very personal matter. Whether you believe in God or science, there is nothing wrong with it. They are just different choices. There is no need to look down on each other."

Shi Yao, a smart and perceptive girl, gave a rare smile: "Classmate Tang, you have done so many things, not just to discuss issues of faith with me, right?"

Tang Yan took a bite of the mushroom and it tasted pretty good: "Yao Shen, are you really not going to eat it? It's very delicious. It would be a pity if you don't eat it."

Shi Yao refused: "I think you can eat it."

Tang Yan put down his bowl and chopsticks and pointed at himself: "Are you saying I'm pretty and delicious?"

Shi Yao's mouth twitched: "You are really good at making connections." I was really curious about what kind of boyfriend such a strange woman would find. Forget it, he shouldn't have such curiosity.

Tang Yan stopped playing around and finally got down to the topic: "If we don't talk about faith, let's talk about classmate Shi Yao."

(End of this chapter)

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