Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 324: Green Spirit Fruit

Chapter 324: Green Spirit Fruit
Tang Yan has no concept of home. When she lived with her grandfather, the old man's care was relatively rough.

But she could feel that the Bai family was really kind to her. Although they were not related by blood, they really did not treat her as an outsider.

Tang Yan smiled gently at Butler Bai: "Well, I understand, Butler Bai, you can go and do your work, I can be alone."

"Okay, Miss Tang, you can call me anytime if you need anything." After Butler Bai finished speaking, he went about his own business.

Something happened to Bai Erjing, and there were a lot of things to arrange at home.

Lu Rong will definitely not go to the hotel during this period and will stay at home with her daughter, so arrangements there must be made in advance.

We still don’t know what happened to Bai Erjing.

People who are medically declared in a vegetative state generally have little chance of recovery.

But Tang Yan is a member of Xuanmen, and there are always more ways to wake a person up from a coma than ordinary people.

Moreover, Bai Erjing still became like that after going out with Jiang Rufei. It was probably because of a suspenseful incident.

While Tang Yan was thinking, he set up formations inside and outside the Tang family villa to prepare for emergencies.

After doing this, it was still some time before Bai Erjing and the others arrived in the capital. Tang Yan walked around and came to Bai Erjing's vegetable garden.

"Woof woof woof..." Goddess, goddess, Xiaobai, I finally see you.

A white Samoyed swooped over happily.

Tang Yan looked at the giant white dog half as tall as a man in front of him. This should be the little white dog Bai Erjing mentioned.

"I heard you can juggle?"

"Wang Wang Wang..."

Hey, hey, hey, I don’t know how to juggle. Last time, the eldest lady forced me, Xiaobai, to jump through the fire hoop, which burned all her white and thick hair bald. It took me a while to raise her. I didn’t have a dog before. See you face to face.

"Uh." Bai Erjing said even his dog was so funny: "Why did you call me goddess?"

"Woof woof woof..." Goddess, you can actually understand my words, Xiaobai. My bosom friend, my bosom friend, next time Xiaobai will play you a song called "High Mountains and Flowing Waters."

"Wang Wang Wang..."

The eldest lady posted your photos all over my doghouse, Xiaobai, asking me to treat you like a goddess.

Tang Yan: "!!!" It seemed like something Bai Erjing could do.

Tang Yan looked at the vegetable garden filled with various varieties of cabbage: "You are here, do you want to show me a dog eating cabbage?"

Xiaobai shook his paw: "Woof woof woof..." No, I only eat small dried fish, not cabbage.

Dogs eat small dried fish?Do you think you are a cat?
"Woof woof woof..." The eldest lady planted some fruit plants in the vegetable garden some time ago, and she asked me to keep the fruits here.

Fruit?Some time ago, Bai Jingjing said that she wanted to plant Qingling Fruit, and from what this bitch said, it has yielded results?
"Has the core of the Bai Er crystal seed sprouted?"

"Wang Wang Wang..."

Not only have they sprouted, but they have also produced several red fruits, which are so delicious.

If the eldest lady hadn't said that if there was one missing piece of fruit, I would sacrifice it to heaven, and I would have eaten all the dogs.

Tang Yan's expression became serious: "Take me to see it."

"Woof woof woof..." Goddess, follow the dog.

Xiaobai took Tang Yan to the innermost part of the vegetable garden.

There is a piece of land here that is specially fenced off. What grows in the fence is the green spirit fruit, the holy fruit of the blue crab clan.

Tang Yan squinted her eyes with a meaningful expression: "I really asked her to grow the fruit."

Although she had made a bet with Chou Chou, Tang Yan still had a slight accident, and the Qingling Fruit was a little different from the fruit she had brought over at that time.

 good night~
(End of this chapter)

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