Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 339 Girlfriend Jealous

Chapter 339 Girlfriend Jealous
Jun Jinghuai scratched his head in embarrassment: "The old lady just told us before we went out this time. Before, the old lady just gave the dog to me to raise and didn't say anything. This dog is so stupid. Who can see that?" He is actually a spirit dog!”

The old lady of the Jun family seems a bit mysterious, and he should have a lot of connections with Xuanmen.

"Woof woof woof..." Wangcai made an aggrieved voice.

"Woof woof woof..." Pretty lady, look, look, Wangcai, my dignified spirit dog, was originally happily drinking dew on Kunlun Mountain, but he was actually raised to be a dog that likes to chew chicken legs, Wangcai. Money is heartbreaking.

"Woof woof woof..." I have protested tens of thousands of times, but unfortunately humans are so stupid that no one can understand what Wangcai said.

Tang Yan exposed him mercilessly: "I see you are still enjoying yourself."

"Woof woof woof..." The pretty girl saw through it but didn't tell her, and her friend continued to do it.

At this time, the luxury car stopped in front of a hotel.

Tang Yan still resolutely rejected Jun Liyan's proposal: "You get off the car first, and I will get off the car later after the driver takes me to a more private place."

She didn't want people to find out that she and Jun Liyan knew each other and had a good relationship.

The girl's fearful attitude did not offend Jun Liyan. He just glanced at Tang Yan and got out of the car.

As soon as his feet hit the ground, a clear female voice came from his ears.

"Hello, Mr. Jun. Master asked me to receive you. First time meeting you. My name is Li Youran, from the Nanyang Li family."

It's very standard Chinese, and there's a unique enchantment in the voice.

Tang Yan looked out through the car window and subconsciously tightened her fingers.

She recognized that this was the culprit who caused the two-crystal spirit body to disappear.

In just a moment, Tang Yan restrained his emotions, and Li Youran didn't notice the hostile gaze in the car at all.The only one who responded was Jun Liyan, who was unconsciously startled.

Sure enough, Yan Yan's mood was not normal. This time she came to Nanyang was less like a mission and more like a private matter.

And she was very reluctant to have anything to do with him, probably because she didn't want to involve him.

Jun Liyan immediately made a decision in his mind.

Li Youran moved his eyes, looking back and forth at the man in front of him.

She had never seen Jun Liyan before, and she could only recognize him because of the very unique license plate number.

Moreover, Jun Wuye's car has his own unique logo, an unknown flower that is beautiful but has never been seen before.

She had thought that the legendary Jun Wuye, who was decisive and decisive in killing, was an ugly monster with a fierce look, but she never expected that he was so handsome and very young.

She has had countless men, but she has never seen such a top-notch man. If he can become her furnace...

No, it would be a pity for such a top-notch man to be her man. Let him be her man.

Li Youran took a step forward, trying to hold Jun Liyan's arm: "Mr. Jun, I will take you to see your room."

Jun Liyan avoided it with some disgust: "Miss Li, please respect yourself, my girlfriend will be jealous."

What a man who doesn't understand the charm. Li Youran took back his hand, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes. She wanted to see which rich lady dared to steal the man she liked.

The previously arrogant eldest lady of the Bai family was not only broken into pieces by her, but she had a natural sense of superiority towards these delicate and wealthy eldest ladies.

(End of this chapter)

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