Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 341 Feifei’s plan

Chapter 341 Feifei’s plan
What good sisters?It's just about using each other.

It's just that Situ Feifei is still useful, so she doesn't break her face.

Li Youran said harshly to her: "Next time, if you try to lie to me again, Situ Feifei, you know my methods."

Situ Feifei accompanied her with a smile: "Youran, we have known each other since childhood. Except for this matter, I have really never hidden anything else from you."

Situ Feifei was afraid of Li Youran, but also needed her to do things for her.

She has been able to reach her current position in the entertainment industry largely because of Li Youran's skills.

Even if her family could allow her to join the entertainment industry, it was because of Li Youran's help.

Outsiders say that if she doesn't act like a wealthy lady, she will be in the entertainment industry.

In fact, her life in the Situ family was not as glamorous as others seemed.

The Situ family values ​​boys over girls. Except for her brother who is kinder to her, her parents and relatives all regard her as a tool for marriage.

In the end, it is very likely that she will be sold because of a few pieces of land and a few projects.

She didn't want to accept the fate arranged by her family. She wanted to marry Jun Liyan and wanted Jun Liyan to notice her, so she could only stand in a more prominent position.

She had done so much, and in the end, her beard was cut off by that woman Tang Yan. She was not willing to give in, she really was not willing to give in.

Li Youran asked: "By the way, is the woman next to Fifth Master really his girlfriend? Could it be that he deliberately pulled her out to block his love?"

After all, although I have never met Jun Liyan, I have heard rumors about him in the Tao. In addition to his great skills, he has never been close to women.

Situ Feifei thought for a while and decided to add some fuel to the fire: "She should be the fifth master's girlfriend. I have seen that woman before. She has been pestering the fifth master before. She must have used some means to get the upper hand now."

"Youran, to be honest, that woman just has a good-looking face. Her family background is not good. She just comes from a small wealthy family in the imperial capital. She has a bad character and is useless." Situ Feifei held Li Youran's arm affectionately: " I think you and Fifth Master are more suitable, and that woman is far behind you."

Li Youran narrowed his eyes and said in a sour tone: "Don't you want fifth master Jun? What? Now you want to give it to me? You changed your mind so quickly, Situ Feifei, you don't seem to be such a kind person."

Of course I'm not that kind, and I want to lend you Miss Li's hand to deal with that bitch Tang Yan.

There is a saying that the snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's profit, and she wanted to be that fisherman.

Situ Feifei sighed and said very sincerely: "I admit that I had some small thoughts before and didn't want you to know Mr. Jun.

But now that you already know him and have a crush on him, I can only give up on this idea.

Youran, even if you give me a hundred courages, I wouldn't dare to compete with you for a man. "

Li Youran still didn't believe it: "It's not your character to let go so easily, Situ Feifei."

"Hey." Situ Feifei was a little helpless: "There's nothing you can do about it. Youran, you know that you are born in a family like mine and you can't help yourself. The family has the final say in your future marriage. You should treat me lovingly. It doesn’t matter, it’s better to be aware of the times.”

Li Youran was finally persuaded and smiled: "You know what's going on. By the way, what's that woman's name? Tell me everything you know about her."

"it is good."


  Thank you Yunyuan and Minmin for the reward~

(End of this chapter)

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