Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 345 Master 5 plays the piano

Chapter 345 The Fifth Master Plays the Piano
Tang Yan opened the door to the room and walked out.

The scene in the nightmare is exactly the same as the real scene, even the service staff in the hotel are vivid.

When passing by, he saluted Tang Yan politely.

It is indeed difficult for people to realize that this is actually a dream.

A handsome male waiter nodded respectfully to Tang Yan: "Miss, may I help you?"

Probably seeing that Tang Yan was not sleeping at such a late hour, I asked him a question very thoughtfully. The acting was really quite realistic.

This hotel is the most famous super five-star hotel in Nanyang. The waiters inside are proficient in several languages, and they use Chinese when talking to Tang Yan.

Tang Yan stopped and asked the waiter: "Did you hear anything?"

"No, the soundproofing effect of our hotel's guest rooms is very good. You shouldn't hear any strange noises. Miss, if you feel troubled, I will ask an engineer from the engineering team to go to your room and have a look."

While the two were talking, the singing in Tang Yan's ears did not stop.

It was a kind of sound quality that I had never heard before. It was difficult to describe it in words, but one thing was very clear. There was a kind of bewitchment in this song, which made people want to get closer.

It seems that, according to the setting of the scene, only she can hear the singing!
Tang Yan waved his hand: "Forget it, no need. You can go about your business and I'll just walk around. Oh, by the way, is there any place in your hotel that I can't go to?"

The male waiter said with a professional smile: "No, all guests staying in the hotel can go anywhere in the hotel."

"Oh well."

Tang Yan was just about to continue looking for the source of the singing when he heard the waiter say again.

"Our hotel is built near the sea. There is a very special place. Legend has it that someone once saw a mermaid there, so the hotel owner built an observation deck on the east coast."

There was a plot to this dream, as if she was afraid that she wouldn't find the place, there was someone specifically guiding her there.Tang Yan asked him: "Do you believe such a legend?"

The waiter's smile did not change: "I don't know if the legend is true, but the observation deck is very beautifully built, and you can see the stars all over the sky at night. Miss, if you can't sleep, you can go there to look at the stars."

There was an imperceptible change in the quality of the man's voice, and it was also a bit bewildering.

Tang Yan pretended to have fallen into a trap and agreed, "Well, okay, thank you."

Then, the waiter pointed Tang Yan in the specific direction. The moment Tang Yan turned around, the waiter was still smiling, but his smile was a little more ferocious.

Tang Yan followed the route told by the male waiter and approached the observation deck step by step. The singing suddenly disappeared, and then a burst of beautiful piano music sounded.

There's quite a lot to play with this little trick.

Don't underestimate these tricks, Tang Yan knew that every step in the dream was done with magic.

An ordinary person would have completely lost their mind by now and let the scenes in their dreams lead them.

It's just that the other party obviously didn't know the details about Tang Yan. At least now, her mind is still very clear and she has not been tricked.

Soon, she walked to the viewing platform. The white marble viewing platform was majestic and beautiful.

There is a piano placed on the observation deck, and a man is playing the piano gracefully with his slender fingers. Above his head is a sky full of stars, dreamy and romantic.

Tang Yan saw clearly the appearance of the man playing the piano, it was Jun Liyan.

(End of this chapter)

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