Chapter 388 Dismissal
Jiang Rufei knew Tang Yan a little bit, and knew that although she had a gangster streak, she was still very steady in her work.

Since she said Er Jing's spirit body still exists, it must exist.

Jiang Rufei asked: "Spirit Gathering Lamp? What kind of magic weapon is that? I've never heard of it. Do you have a pattern about this magic weapon? I also have a direction to look for."

Gods always show one point and leave nine points when doing things. It is already very difficult for Tang Yan to get a name. Even if she asks about the other things, the Rain God will not tell her.

"I don't know. Apart from the name of this magical weapon, I don't know anything else."

Jiang Rufei was not disappointed: "It doesn't matter, just have hope."

Tang Yan reminded him: "Don't forget the agreement between us. If I find the spirit gathering lamp to wake up Er Jing first, you have to stay away from her from now on."

"I know." Jiang Rufei's eyelids drooped slightly in a small arc, and he couldn't tell what his emotion was.

"Come out with me, I have something to tell you."

Tang Yan followed Jiang Rufei to the small pavilion in the garden, sat on a stone bench, and held his head casually: "Is there something wrong with the Seventh Bureau of General Affairs?"

During the Baihua Valley incident, she treated the two women of the Duan family like that. With the Duan family's style of behavior, it was impossible for her to just let it go.

Jiang Rufei took out his lighter and wanted to light a cigarette, but considering that the man in front of him hated the smell of cigarettes, he automatically put the lighter into his pocket.

"Yes, you are very smart. There is indeed something going on in the Seventh Bureau. The head of the Duan family brought your injury to her disciple in Baihua Valley to the director and asked us to revoke your status as consultant."

Tang Yan already had the answer in his mind: "So, your director agreed?"

Jiang Rufei looked apologetic: "I'm sorry, the Duan family has put in a lot of effort in exterminating demons and defending the road, and also helped our seventh bureau with a lot of things. The head of the Duan family came to see him personally, and the director had to sell She has this face."

It's human nature, she can understand.

Tang Yan was not angry: "That's okay. Anyway, I am only working as a consultant to make money. This money is not earned anywhere, and it doesn't have to be in one place."

Seeing that Tang Yan really didn't care, Jiang Rufei felt a little relieved: "The Duan family actually had another purpose in asking the director to remove you as a consultant.

The purpose is to make you lose your support. If they attack you again in the future, they will have no scruples. You should be careful, Duan family women, hold grudges. "

The resentment between Tang Yan and the women of the Duan family is getting deeper and deeper, and a big conflict will break out one day, she understands.

In fact, it was just right for her not to have the consultant status of the second team, so that she would not have to sell Jiang Rufei's favor when she got started, which would be very frustrating.

Tang Yan responded calmly: "It doesn't matter, anyway, if I have more enemies than them, it's not more, and if I have less of them, it's not more."

Jiang Rufei was speechless. It sounds like you are very proud, right?
He was like a little devil in the world, more like a playboy than him.

"Although you no longer have the position of consultant, you can still come to me if anything happens. It's normal for friends to help each other."

"You don't need to tell me, I've never been a polite person."

Because Bai Jingjing's matter has been settled, Jiang Rufei's mood is not as heavy as before, and he has the energy to care about other things.

Jiang Rufei reminded Tang Yan again: "By the way, do you still remember Ouyang Hanshuang in our bureau?"

(End of this chapter)

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