Chapter 398
However, girls with ponytails don't dare to ask unnecessary questions for fear of being beaten by the school belle.

The pretty school beauty looks like she has a bad temper.

She hurriedly caught up with Tang Yan: "What, my name is Ji Yue, I am studying in Class [-], Grade [-], High School. The friend I am talking about is called Pan Hongya. We are both childhood friends and classmates."

"Well, Tang Yan." Tang Yan said his name to introduce himself.

"I, I know you." Ji Yue's little eyes kept glancing towards Tang Yan.

Although her personality is a little weird, she is so beautiful, just like an exquisite doll, and her skin is so white and delicate that even the pores are not visible.

The whole person is also very temperamental. This temperament is indescribable. It is very unique and has a very strong aura.

It wasn't until he walked out of the school that Ji Yue came back to his senses: "By the way, Master, is there really something wrong with the painting sent to you?"

"Just call me Mr. Tang, Master. These two words sound like a liar."

Ji Yue: "!!!" To be honest, I really think you are a bit like a liar.

"Oh, okay, classmate Tang, what about that painting?"

Tang Yan said directly: "There is indeed a problem, but the specific problem needs to be further studied."

"Then what are we doing now?"

"Is Pan Hongya at home now? Can you find a reason for me to visit her home?"

Although when we first met, I was really frightened by the school beauty beating someone up.

But after getting along with her, I felt that the school beauty seemed a bit cold and had a bad temper, but she was still easy to talk to.

Ji Yue replied: "I was chatting with Hongya on WeChat just now. She has been at home all day today and has no other activities.

Then let's go directly to her house. Anyway, I often run to her house, so she won't suspect anything.Moreover, classmate Tang, you are so beautiful, Hong Ya must have never imagined that you are actually a heavenly master, and you will not alert the snake if you come directly to your door. "

I can't tell that this girl thinks quite comprehensively.

Tang Yan corrected her: "I am not a heavenly master, I am just a Taobao store seller. You can call me a businessman."

The Celestial Master is too restrictive, she prefers to be more free.

Ji Yue: "..." You really don't look like a business person at all.

Now she is still sighing, why did she click into such a weird Taobao store?
I really do not understand.

On the way to Pan Hongya's house, Tang Yan asked Jun Jinghuai to help her check the Pan family's information.

Pan Hongya's family situation was not too complicated, and Jun Jinghuai quickly sent the information.

On the bus, Tang Yan glanced at her phone and asked casually: "Pan Hongya's parents are divorced. Do you know about this?"

"What?" Ji Yue's voice was so loud that everyone in the bus looked over to them.

"Sorry, sorry for disturbing everyone." Ji Yue clasped her hands together, looking apologetic.

The passengers were only curious for a moment and then looked away.

Ji Yue's voice was very low: "Classmate Tang, how did you know that Hongya's parents were divorced? Is this news accurate?
I have never heard of this, and Hongya's parents have still lived together all these years, and their relationship is quite good. It doesn't look like they are divorced. "

Tang Yan: "Pan Hongya also has a brother who is three years younger than her, right? And her father still works in the original agency."

(End of this chapter)

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