Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 404 The Kitchen Killer

Chapter 404 The Kitchen Killer

Ji Yue: "???" Isn't the specialty a lie?When did you change your chest to be broken into pieces?

Pan Hongya: "..." I was a little surprised. I thought the school beauty was aloof, but in the end, how should I put it, she was really down-to-earth.

Tang Yan's words narrowed the distance between the three of them, and Pan Hongya began to become less restrained.

She echoed: "But I don't have big rocks or hammers at home. How can I still perform without tools?"

This girl's personality is indeed very different from what is shown in the information, and she can cooperate with her acting.

There is no unusual smell found in this room yet.

Maybe we should go to Pan Hongya's bedroom to take a look.

"It doesn't matter, I have recently learned how to open durian with my bare hands." Tang Yan picked up the grapefruit on the coffee table: "But you don't have durian at home, I will show you how to split a grapefruit with my bare hands."

"!!!" The school beauty is really weird and cute.

Tang Yan held the grapefruit in his left hand, stretched his right hand like a knife, and struck the grapefruit in one fell swoop, causing the grapefruit to split into two halves instantly.

Ji Yue exclaimed, took the grapefruit in her hand, and looked at it over and over again.

"It's fake. How can you open a grapefruit with your bare hands? Are you hiding a blade in your hand?"

Tang Yan opened his five fingers and flipped them over: "Do you think the blade is hidden in your hand and won't cut it?"

Because it was summer, the clothes I wore had no sleeves, so it was impossible to hide anything on my hands.

Ji Yue and Pan Hongya both thought it was amazing. How on earth was this done?
I can still understand it if I split a watermelon with my hands, but this is a grapefruit. Is this something a human being does?
"I have a unique skill. Next time I have a chance, I will show you how to chop durian with my bare hands." Tang Yan just borrowed the spiritual power in his body. This was not a difficult task.

The three chatted and laughed, and the time passed quickly.

Pan Hongya stood up: "It's almost 12 o'clock. I'm going to cook. The takeout is very flavorful and not clean. It's better to cook it yourself." Tang Yan also stood up: "How about I do it? In fact, I He’s very good at cooking.”

The school beauty is so easy-going.

Ji Yue and the other two thought that since she could chop grapefruits with her bare hands, the cooking should also be delicious.

The food cooked by Ji Yue and the others only tasted mediocre, so they did not delay and directly handed over the task of cooking to Tang Yan.

Not long after, there was a "boom" of fire in the kitchen, and then the smell of burnt vegetables came out.

Ji Yue quickly ran to the kitchen, turned off the fire, and covered the pot with a lid: "Sisters, are you frying the kitchen?"

Tang Yan's performance was really hard for people to regard her as an expert. Unknowingly, Ji Yue also let go and treated her like a good friend.

Tang Yan was very calm: "It's okay if I made a small mistake. Next, it's time to show my true skills."

"Do you still want to continue?" Ji Yue looked at the big lump of Hei Qiuqiu in the pot and couldn't tell what the ingredients were: "I think you are a kitchen killer."

As Ji Yue said that, he pushed Tang Yan out of the kitchen: "Come on, you should just watch TV and leave the cooking to me and Hong Ya."

"You really don't want me to help? I'm not used to freeloading."

Pan Hongya smiled helplessly: "Miss, you should start getting used to it now. If you do it again, the ingredients won't be enough for you to waste. We will really have to drink the northwest wind at noon today."

Tang Yan touched the tip of her nose and looked a little embarrassed: "Well, actually, my cooking skills are really good. Today was just an accident."

Ji Yue and Pan Hongya: "!!!" We believed your evil.

(End of this chapter)

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