Chapter 406
Tang Yan watched TV, hugged the pillow and fell asleep on the sofa.

"Hey, school beauty, wake up, it's dawn, dinner is ready." Ji Yue clapped her hands in Tang Yan's ear.

Really, I can’t tell at all that the school beauty is an expert.

Apart from being far more beautiful than ordinary people, being a little funny, and a little mysterious, I really can't see any difference from ordinary high school girls.

Has she forgotten what she came to do today?

Um, forget it, don't want to.

Tang Yan slowly opened his eyes, sat up, rubbed his eyes, and looked dazed: "I want to eat braised pork belly, the kind that melts in your mouth."

Ji Yue: "Hey, wake up, stop dreaming. Today's lunch is only shredded pork with green pepper, cold eggplant, fried cabbage, and preserved egg and cucumber soup."

Pan Hongya arranged the dishes and chopsticks at the dining table: "Yan Yan, there is no braised pork at noon today. How about cooking it for you tonight?"

Ji Yue really regarded Tang Yan as a friend, so she began to speak without any scruples: "Hey, Hongya, don't get used to her young lady's temper. My eldest lady, don't be so picky when you come to other people's homes. .”

Tang Yan pulled up the chair and sat down: "I won't eat braised pork tonight. I want to gain weight. Let's eat something healthy and delicious."

Pan Hongya didn't care, mainly because the school beauty's face was very eye-catching, and she couldn't get jealous or angry: "Then I'll try to think of recipes."

Ji Yue grabbed the chopsticks: "Here's some stewed dog head, Yuanfang, what do you think?"

"You can twist off the dog's head." Tang Yan picked up a piece of cabbage and said, "Okay, let's eat. Stop talking."

After lunch, Tang Yan washed the dishes.

The three of them played at home all day.

In the evening, Ji Yue said that they had not enjoyed the conversation during the day and wanted to go to Pan Hongya's bedroom to continue the conversation. They might as well sleep in the same bed with the three of them.

Pan Hongya didn't object and agreed directly.

After washing, the three girls lay on the bed and fell asleep while chatting.

Until 12 midnight.Tang Yan closed her eyes and smelled a faint scent of sandalwood.

Then, she felt the movement of the person next to her getting up.

Pan Hongya stood at the head of the bed, knocked on the wooden scroll on which the skull painting hung, and called softly: "Brother Bai."

Then, a short stone ladder stretched out from the painting, and Pan Hongya stepped on the stone ladder and walked into the painting.

Tang Yan opened her eyes after a minute, and she shook Ji Yue vigorously.

There was no reaction. It seemed that he was stunned by the fragrance.

Chou Chou unzipped his satchel: "Zha Zhayan, what should I do now? Do you want to enter the world in the painting?"


Tang Yan made a gesture with his hands and pointed his finger towards the center of the painting: "Broken."

Then, she and Chou Chou were sucked into the skull painting.

This is a pure white world. Except for Tang Yan and Chou Chou, no one can be seen, and no scenery can be seen.

"Hey, if you don't come out, I'll burn your place down."

"Hey, girls, don't be so violent, you will become ugly."

With the sound of this voice, a white-haired old man appeared in front of Tang Yan. He was dressed in ancient clothes and looked like an immortal.

Tang Yan looked at the white-haired old man with sharp eyes.

The white-haired old man waved his sleeves: "Little girl, don't look at the old man like this, otherwise the old man will misunderstand that you have fallen in love with me."

Chou Chou retorted: "Bah, you are so shameless. The folds on your face can kill flies. If my baby falls in love with me, it is impossible for him to fall in love with you."

(End of this chapter)

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