Chapter 422
It's not that Pan Hongya hasn't thought about the possibility that Tang Yan mentioned.

However, the world in the painting is too tempting, so she will inevitably take chances.

This is also the reason why she has never been able to really make up her mind. She still has a lot of worries.

Pan Hongya sighed sadly: "Classmate Tang Yan, let me think about it again. Thank you anyway."

After all, she felt a lot relieved to be able to share the biggest secret in her heart with others.

"By the way, does Xiaoyue know about this?" Pan Hongya thought of something else: "Look, I'm confused. She brought you to my house, so she must already know about it."

Tang Yan shook his head: "Before, Ji Yue just felt that something was wrong with you and was worried that something had happened to you, so she found me and asked me to take a look.

As for the painting, I didn't tell her, I just asked her to stay away from your house in the future.

After all, I don’t know the purpose of this painting, and I don’t want to involve any more innocent people. "

There is nothing to hide, Tang Yan said it very directly.

"Yeah." Pan Hongya nodded, not knowing what he was thinking.

After Tang Yan sent her home, he returned to the dormitory.

Mainly because she was afraid that those gangsters would come to her door again and send her back in person, so she felt relieved.

Just when Pan Hongya was still hesitating, another big event happened in No. [-] Middle School the next day.

When Pan Hongya was in physical education class, those gangsters came directly to the school to find her.

That group of people acted like crazy, making a big fuss in class and even had conflicts with the students.

When Pan Hongya was arguing to stop the gangsters, she accidentally hit her head, fainted, and was sent to the No. 1 Civil Hospital nearby.

The forum of No. [-] Middle School also exploded.

"Let me just say that I have seen her having trouble with those people in society before. I was indeed right about what happened in Guomin Alley."

"The student doesn't study hard and doesn't do his job properly all day long. If I were her parents, I would be so embarrassed that I would hit her with a brick."

...In class, Tang Yan suddenly stood up.

The head teacher heard the noise, stopped the chalk in his hand, and turned around: "Classmate Tang, what's the matter?"

"Teacher, I have a stomachache and would like to take a day off."

Although her face was so rosy that she couldn't tell that she had a stomachache, the head teacher still looked concerned: "Is it important? How about I ask two classmates to accompany you to see a doctor."

These teachers will have such a big attitude change now.

First of all, the school leaders had been greeted by Jun Liyan and knew that Student Tang had a background and was not easy to mess with.

The second reason is because Tang Yan has good grades now and can be willful.

"No, I can't delay everyone's study. I can just go to the doctor myself."

The head teacher's tone was gentle: "Okay, after you see the doctor, go back to your dormitory and have a good rest. I will ask a classmate to send you today's class notes after school."

"Okay, thank you, Laoban."

After Tang Yan finished speaking, he squeezed his bag and left the classroom.

The students are all used to having such an elusive master in the class, so they are not surprised.

Tang Yan came to No. 1 Civil Hospital, asked the nurse, and found Pan Hongya's ward.

At this time, there were only two people in the ward, Pan Hongya and Ji Yue.

Pan Hongya was sitting on the hospital bed, her head wrapped in gauze, looking sideways out the window, her face calmer than she imagined.

Ji Yue couldn't stand it anymore: "Hongya, tell me, what's going on with those gangsters? What's wrong with you?"

She was embarrassed to say the following words.

(End of this chapter)

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