Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 436 Received bad reviews

Chapter 436 Received bad reviews
But Ji Yue always felt that Pan Hongya's disappearance was definitely not that simple.

And because she had broken off relations with Pan Hongya before.

So my mood now is still a bit delicate.

She didn't dare to question Tang Yan in person, so she could only chat with her as a buyer on Taobao.

As if this could give her some courage.

A cute little girl: Is Hongya really missing?

Nothingness: What the police say is what it is.

A cute little girl: I don’t believe Hongya is missing.

Nothingness: Oh.

This perfunctory tone made Ji Yue a little angry and instantly lost her mind.

A little cutie: Tell me, is Hongya something you can’t find?

Tang Yan felt that this girl was really too lenient. Maybe she didn't realize it herself. She wanted to control everything.

Once you lose control, you will lose your mind.

Such friends may be warm-hearted, but they can also be tiring.

Tang Yan was still patient.

Nihility: Girl, you don’t have to figure everything out in life. There are some things that you don’t need to know and you don’t need to dig into them. Let’s stop here.

She originally wanted to remind Pan Hongya that it was her own choice to go to a place that could make her happy.

But with Ji Yue's character, he really couldn't tell her too much.

First of all, it was Pan Hongya's privacy.

Secondly, this kind of online conversation is easy for people to take control of, and it is quite troublesome to send screenshots of the conversation.

A little cutie: You, you, you, I want to give you a bad review.

Nothingness: As you wish.Then, Tang Yancai’s small shop opened not long ago, and she received a bad review on her first order.

Ji Yue gave it one star and then rated it as yes.

[I went to the boss to solve the problem, but she ended up solving the problem. Don’t be fooled. This store is a trap. 】

Soon there were comments under this negative review.

[No, no, is there really a fool who has been fooled?This shop selling plasters looks like a scam at first glance. 】

[Yes, I have reported it many times. Even if the report is unsuccessful, I am still very angry. 】

[Child, the city has many tricks, just think of yourself as paying an IQ tax. 】

[A fool was deceived by a liar. I don’t know why I want to laugh. If it hadn’t been for this one star, I would have suspected that you were being entrusted by the store to create a show effect, hahahahaha. 】

[I really want to know what it means to kill someone.Children, if something like this happens, you should go to the police. If you express your grievances in the comments, is it because your rhythm is wrong? 】

[Anyway, I just think that this store is weird and the buyer is weird too. Let’s go to the show and don’t take sides. 】


Chou Chou looked at the comments and became a little angry: "Zha Zhayan, this girl's character is too bad. I almost want to scare her."

Tang Yan ate the fruit indifferently: "We are open for business, so we can't stop others from giving negative reviews."

"Then we cannot accept such unreasonable negative reviews. Our store has no business to begin with. If this negative review is left on it, who will dare to come and make purchases in the future?"

"It's as if there are people who dare to come and make purchases if there are no bad reviews." Tang Yan said in a long voice: "Anyone who dares to come to my store and place an order is a warrior."

"I think it's just weird." Chou Chou calmed down and said, "Forget it, this store is weird enough anyway, so it's not bad for this bad review."

Chou Chou thought about it and replied to Ji Yue's bad review.

[Sister, my baby doesn’t care what you say, but character determines life. If you continue to do this, I think you should think twice if you fall into trouble in the future. 】

The Pan Hongya incident passed like this, and Tang Yan received another WeChat message from Jun Liyan in the evening.

Good Samaritan: The matter in Nanyang is almost finished. I will return to China tomorrow. Would you like to come and pick me up?
(End of this chapter)

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