Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 442: Scare Master 5

Chapter 442: Scare the Fifth Master
Chou Chou broke the weird atmosphere: "Okay, don't hang around here. The venue inside is charged by the hour. If you don't go in, wouldn't you be wasting money."

Chou Chou really feels sorry for Zha Zhayan spending money on men.

Jun Liyan glanced at Chou Chou and looked away.

Chou Chou's heart skipped a beat, feeling that there was something in his eyes that he couldn't understand.

What should I do? I’m a little panicked!

Ever since this man had awakened his power in Nanyang last time, he had always felt that this man was full of danger.

Moreover, his aura seems to be becoming more and more mysterious and calm, making it impossible to see through him at all.

Isn't Zha Zhayan not his opponent?
Forget it, if you can't understand these things, you can only take one step at a time.

Tang Yan walked in front: "Come on, Fifth Master, I have prepared a performance for you. I hope you like it."

"Well, as long as you prepare it, I like it."

It’s so awkward to make a fuss again.

I said I liked it even before I watched it, so flippant and a perfect scumbag line.

Tang Yan reminded him: "Don't say it so early. If you don't like it later, you'll slap him in the face."

Jun Liyan just smiled.

The two of them arrived at the venue, which was basically a costume party similar to Halloween. The people inside were all dressed up in weird ways.

The background music played in the venue was also very eerie.

If a timid person comes to this place, he might be frightened into having a heart attack.

Suddenly, there was a commotion among the "people", and the "people" in strange clothes rushed towards Tang Yan and the others.

The crowded crowd pushed the two away. Jun Liyan wanted to reach out to pull Tang Yan, but when he turned to the side, he realized that the girl beside him had disappeared.

He squinted his eyes, knowing in his heart that the little troublemaker Tang was going to do something evil again.

Tang Yan came to a hidden commanding height, draped his legs, and looked at the situation below very leisurely.Jun Liyan was being pulled by a group of strange "people" and couldn't get away.

"Zhazhayan, what do you want to do?"

Chou Chou thought of several scenes in the Tianshi system, suddenly realized, and slapped his thigh: "Do you want to scare this man from the Jun family to death?"

Anyway, all those who expressed love to her before would be punished by her.

Tang Yan explained slowly: "I'm not that boring."

Chou Chou: "???"

Aren't you just so boring in the Tianshi system?
Why did you change your mind now?Double standard scumbag.

"Then what exactly are you trying to do?"

"Didn't he forget about his awakening? I wonder if he can remember it again if his life is threatened."

This time it seems that the game is bigger, and it is directly threatening people's lives.

Chou Chou instantly felt mentally balanced.

This scumbag must not have been tempted by that bitch man. If he was really tempted, he wouldn't react like this.

Chou Chou was in a very happy mood: "By the way, do you think he is pretending? In fact, he already knows that he has special power, but he is just hiding it."

"I don't know. You'll know if you try it."

Tang Yan reached out and made a few tricks, and the strange "people" below rushed towards Jun Liyan at the same time, attacking without leaving any room.

Jun Liyan didn't have time to think too much and kept dodging.

It was obvious that those strange "people" were trying to kill them, and it became increasingly difficult for Jun Liyan to avoid them.

Chou Chou sighed: "It doesn't look like he's just pretending. What should I do? If you don't let go, this man's life will probably be lost."

(End of this chapter)

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