Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 504 The scene is tragic

Chapter 504 The scene is tragic
"Ah..." Situ Feifei reacted, blushed, and screamed: "Bitch, how dare you lift my skirt."

She stretched out her hand to slap Miss Ma.

At this time, Miss Ma's attention was entirely on the jewelry.

She saw her necklace with sharp eyes, squatted down, and reached out to grab it.

Situ Feifei lost her center of gravity and fell to the ground.

Miss Ma turned Situ Feifei over in disgust and pulled hard on her necklace.

At this time, Tang Yan said slowly: "If you don't get your jewelry as soon as possible, I won't be responsible for it being taken away by others later."

In fact, they are all nervous about their jewelry.

At this time, those wealthy ladies no longer cared about their image. They rushed over together, grabbed Situ Feifei's skirt and pulled back their jewelry.

Situ Feifei's miserable screams could be heard from the crowd, as well as the noise of girls like market ladies grabbing discounted vegetables.

Tang Yan also had a purpose in teasing Situ Feifei like this.

Since, if you want to shock, then shock to the end.

Even if someone wants to cause trouble for her in the future, they have to think about whether they can afford a similar fate to Situ Feifei today.

Tang Yan glanced to the side and walked over to block the two people's way: "Baby, you slandered me, do you think you can leave so easily?"

She had no intention of letting the other two members of Situ Feifei's gang go.

"Who just swore that I was a thief?"

Miss Wang pointed at Miss Luo: "It's her, she's the one who slandered you, Tang Ancestor, you saw it, I didn't say anything just now."

Those who say nothing do not mean they are good people, and accomplices are equally guilty.Tang Yan sneered: "I won't embarrass you, just slap each other in the face and soften your hands, and let's forget about it."

If the two of them really still have a little bit of sisterly affection, they can be gentler. As long as they say they are soft, it can be considered a pass.

But in fact, at this time, both of them had resentments in their hearts.

Miss Wang had long disliked Miss Luo. As soon as Tang Yan finished speaking, she slapped her hard and said, "Bitch, you have nothing to do to slander others."

Miss Luo was slapped until stars popped out of her eyes. After she recovered, she responded in kind: "You shameless old woman who hooked up with my ex-boyfriend, I'll beat you to death. I'll beat you to death."

"You are the one who has an abortion, and you still pretend to be innocent all day long."

Soon, the two men's slaps turned into punches and kicks, and they struggled together.

Tang Yan looked at the chaotic scene in front of him with sarcasm in his mouth, "Tsk, human nature really can't stand the test."

At this moment, with the sound of glass breaking, the row of two-meter-tall strong men turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared.

At the same time, Miss Jun Er quickly walked over with a group of bodyguards.

In fact, Tang Yan had just set up a barrier within this area.

Otherwise, with so much commotion here, how could Jun Lirou not send someone to come forward.

Jun Lirou was shocked when he saw the chaos in front of him.

What the hell is going on here?
Are these wealthy ladies who have always been virtuous and dignified collectively crazy?
And the woman she hated the most was standing by, intact, watching the show?
Jun Lirou had seen big scenes, so she immediately came to her senses and ordered the bodyguards: "Go quickly and separate the young ladies who are fighting."

After all, men are far more powerful than women, and the chaotic scene was soon stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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