Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 526 Mushroom Poisoning

Chapter 526 Mushroom Poisoning
Although she knew she shouldn't panic at this moment, Lin Mei was still so panicked that she lost her mind: "Uncle Li, hurry up, hurry up, drive faster."

Uncle Li subconsciously stepped on the accelerator.

Tang Yan's car drove faster than the white BMW. This time she did not rush forward, but drove to the next lane and caught up with the BMW.

The two cars were driving side by side.

Tang Yan pressed down the driver's seat window, turned his head and stretched out his hand, saying hello slowly: "Hi."

"Ah, it's that witch." After seeing the girl's face clearly, Tang Xiner screamed and grabbed Uncle Li.

Uncle Li was so frightened that his hands shook and he hit the protective fence next to him.

Chen Li quickly took out his magic weapon and waved it in the air.

The white BMW did not fall off the cliff, but scraped along the guardrail for two to three hundred meters before stopping.

The few people in the car were not seriously injured except for being severely frightened.

Tang Xiner's eyes were blank, and she muttered only one sentence stupidly: "It's the witch, it's the witch. The witch must have come to remind me not to forget the three-month agreement, not to forget the agreement."

It took half an hour before Lin Mei called the police and an ambulance.

When the police retrieved their driving recorder surveillance, they found that there was no car chasing them from behind, and no car driving beside them.

There was only one white BMW on the entire road.

The only thing that can be seen and heard in the video is the inexplicable panic and conversation of several people in the car.

Eventually, police concluded that the wild mushrooms they ate for dinner were undercooked and poisoned.

The toxin affected the nerves, causing the three of them to collectively hallucinate.


Tang Yan continued to drive that sexy sports car.

Chen Li was still frightened: "I was scared to death. If I hadn't acted quickly, you would have killed three people just now. This karmic debt is huge."

Tang Yan's expression was both mocking and arrogant: "As long as you are here, no one will die." Oh, do you know that I am here, so you are playing with it so unscrupulously?

I really don't know what to say.

Why do you think your little girl is so annoying?

It is really more destructive than the little Pluto who likes to tear down homes.

That beautiful skin is so deceiving.

Chen Li's tone was quite helpless: "I've had enough fun, isn't it time to go home now?"

"Where are we now? The night is so beautiful, we can't let the good times go by, right?"

Chen Li pressed the center of his eyebrows hard and had a bad feeling: "Boss, what do you want to do again?"

I was so angry that my brain was bleeding.

"Why not? I'll take you for a ride. Sit tight, I'm going to change places."

Chen Li's heart skipped a beat and he arrived at a villa in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Situ Feifei was thrown into the backyard of her villa by Duan Xianyue and woke up from her coma.

She vomited for a while, and before she could recover, she saw a pink sports car parked on the lawn of the villa.

Situ Feifei wiped the dirt from the corner of her mouth, stood up straight with difficulty, frowned and said dissatisfied.

"Who is it? If you don't drive the car in the garage, why are you driving it out on the lawn? Is this a new car that my brother bought? It's really outrageous."

Tang Yan turned on the car lights and honked the horn twice.

Situ Feifei blocked the dazzling light with her hands and said loudly: "Brother, what's wrong with you at night? Well, I know you bought this limited edition sports car that you like. There's no need to show off here. Hurry up and go to the parking garage." "

(End of this chapter)

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