Chapter 533 Call me Dajin
Just after receiving a call from Chou Chou, Jun Liyan used his sealed power in desperation to awaken the golden dragon.

And his current body has not yet undergone cultivation, so it still cannot withstand the powerful power in his body.

His situation is not very optimistic.

Assistant Sun narrowed his eyes and explained: "There are people from the underworld in the car Madam is sitting in. If we go out, we will be exposed easily. Now is not the time.

Let's wait until Madam comes back. She should come back when she has had enough fun. "

Jin Long said in a low voice: "I'm worried that the master can't bear it."

"Tsk, you can't bear this little thing? That's too weak. Xiao Jin, you just worry too much."

"Bah, I'm so small. How many times have I told you to call me Dajin." Jin Long's body gradually disappeared: "You think everyone is as cold-blooded as you, huh."

Assistant Sun smiled lightly and looked at the man curled up on the bed without saying a word. The darkness covered his emotions.


Tang Yan continued to drive around the capital in that fancy BMW.

Duan Xianyue had long been accustomed to Tang Yan's strange style of acting, and had already settled on taking care of it.

"Hey, let me ask you, was it you who did what happened to Situ Feifei?"

Tang Yan answered casually: "Ah."

As for the hot searches that even the Situ family couldn't delete, it was because Tang Yan troubled Assistant Sun.

With the help of the fox assistant and the addition of the Situ family, there is no way to remove the hot search.

Tang Yan glanced at Duan Xianyue in the rearview mirror: "What? Do you want to teach me a lesson just like your master?"

Duan Xianyue shook her head and immediately gave a thumbs up: "Well done, I have long disliked that white lotus.

She is famous in our circle for suppressing newcomers, especially actresses with the same style as her, because she is afraid that others will come forward and threaten her status. "

Duan Xianyue became interested and leaned forward slightly: "Let me tell you, last year there was a little girl who was prettier than Situ Feifei, had better acting skills than Situ Feifei, and had a more pure temperament. She was lucky enough to star in a popular movie. The TV series is about to become popular.

What happened, Situ Feifei fabricated the scandal about her, saying that her private life was in chaos, and even bought the entire Internet to accuse her of green tea. As a result, the girl's reputation was ruined, and she is still hidden by the company.

Because she has a contract with the entertainment company, the girl can't take on other private jobs. She doesn't know how she will live her life.

It's a very pitiful little girl. Her family is in a bad situation, so they expect her to be a good person and pay off her family's debts. But in the end, she was treated like this. If she doesn't seek short-sightedness, that girl is considered strong. "

Even in the big mess of the entertainment industry, Duan Xianyue still has a righteous heart.

She is fundamentally different from other women in the Duan family.

If you really want to describe it, other women in the Duan family are arrogant after mastering special abilities.

What they say about slaying demons and protecting the Tao is nothing more than their superior charity to ordinary people.

Duan Xianyue's heart is more sincere.

Duan Xianyue continued: "If it weren't for the fact that we Xuanmen people can't interfere with other people's cause and effect at will, I would have wanted to beat Situ Feifei's white lotus into a pig's head."

Tang Yan added: "Why do you care about other people's affairs? If you have the energy, you should pay more attention to the little fresh meat you raise and hide him well so that the women of the Duan family don't find him."

(End of this chapter)

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