Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 536 The Road to the Netherworld

Chapter 536 The Road to the Netherworld
Then, the little fan let go of his hands and slowly raised his head.

She looked at Tang Yan, then at the idol next to her with red eyes, and then looked outside the car.

The streets on both sides were no longer the familiar streets of the capital, but pitch black.

The road they were on was not a normal asphalt road, but a road that seemed to be shining green, like a road and a layer of water.

Right in front of the road, there is a dark red wooden bridge, which is eerie and deep.

Tang Yan's car started again, and the little fan looked out the window.

At this time, the window outside the window was not completely dark, but scene after scene was playing like a movie.

That was her whole life, from birth to growing up.

At the end, she saw her standing on the bus stop, rushing out and pushing away a child who was about to be hit by an out-of-control vehicle.

The car lost control because the driver was drunk.

In the end, the child was rescued, but she died due to severe internal organ damage and could not be treated.

She also saw many older brothers and sisters she didn’t know coming to the bus stop to pay homage to her. They all cried very sadly.

She also saw her mother crying until she fainted at her funeral.

The girl cried sadly: "Dad, Mom, I'm sorry, I asked you white-haired people to send black-haired people."

Duan Xianyue hugged the girl and patted her back very gently: "My child, you are very brave. You have really grown into a gentle and kind person. Your parents will be proud of you. I have someone like you." It’s also an honor for me to be a fan.”

This actually happened last month.

After the girl died, she didn't know she was dead. She kept wandering on the bus stop.

Over time, she will become an earth-bound spirit and cannot be freed.

At this time, the string of Buddhist beads hanging on the interior rearview mirror spoke.

"Okay, sister, don't cry. It's your blessing to have a divine messenger to take you on this road to the underworld.

In the next life, because of this merit, you will be born rich, have a happy family, and have a fulfilling life. If you want to practice cultivation in the future, you will also have this opportunity. "When ordinary spirits pass through this road to the underworld, there will be entangled karma from their lifetimes on both sides.

No matter how many evil things a person has done during his lifetime, how many good things he has done, how many evil thoughts he has had, or how many good thoughts he has had, every one of them will be clearly accounted for.

Good deeds are rewarded and evil deeds are punished. There is no falsehood in the so-called cause and effect.

Tang Yan drove directly through this netherworld road, which was equivalent to blocking the harsh punishment for the girl.

The girl suddenly turned around and stared with big dumb eyes: "Buddha, have the beads spoken?"

"Hmph." Chen Li made a voice, flew out of the car, and transformed into an adult again.

No longer the suit he wore before, he now wore an official hat and ancient costume, holding a book and a writing brush in his hand.

"Little girl, get out of the car."

The girl now fully accepted the fact that she was dead, and she got out of the car calmly.

Chen Li asked the girl to follow him: "Let's go. People are born and die. This is the normal state of life. After crossing this Naihe Bridge and reentering reincarnation, let the past disappear."

The main reason is that some spirits still can't let go of the past when they arrive at Naihe Bridge, and they cry and are reluctant to let go.

Chen Li will more or less persuade like this.

At this moment, a little beauty with white hair like snow appeared on the red bridge. She was holding a bowl in her hand and a big pot was placed in front of her.

Tang Yan's eyes lit up. Is this the legendary Po Meng?

Little beauty, so cute.

No, you have to get to know each other.

Tang Yan turned around and said to Duan Xianyue: "You are in the car, don't get off. If something happens, I will not be responsible."

(End of this chapter)

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