Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 541 Fragments of Divine Consciousness

Chapter 541 Fragments of Divine Consciousness
He now has no demonic aura at all, and is only a fragment of his consciousness, and his body is made of paper.

I believe that even if God comes, he will not see his origin.

How on earth could this dead fox be seen?

Assistant Sun looked like he was guessing: "No one would rush to be that weird son, except for a certain kid.

Oh, no, it's been tens of thousands of years. A certain child can no longer be called a child. It would be more appropriate to call it a ten-thousand-year-old immortal. "

This thing's mouth is still as poisonous as ever.

Xiao Ye was silent, and Assistant Sun looked worried and said in an irritating tone: "However, there is one thing I am curious about. How did you find her?"

At this time, Xiaoye was completely relaxed. She lay back on the sofa, swayed her legs, and glanced at Assistant Sun casually: "I say it's a coincidence, do you believe it?"

In fact, it was really a coincidence. After the Demon Lord was wiped out, he began to exile himself.

He had promised her not to seek revenge.

If the power in his body was still there, he knew that one day he would be unable to resist killing the gods.

In that case he would have made a mistake.

Therefore, he split his consciousness into many fragments and allowed these fragments to reincarnate continuously.

He never thought that there would be a day when he could see her again.

Assistant Sun took off his glasses and wiped them slowly with one hand: "Do you think I believe it or not?"

"Tch, believe it or not, by the way, I have something to ask you."

"What's the matter?" Assistant Sun put on his glasses again: "Even if I knew, I might not tell you."

Xiaoye rolled her eyes at him: "Mom is still the same as before, but dad seems to be a little different. Why is this?"

He couldn't tell exactly what was different, it was just a vague feeling that he couldn't grasp.Assistant Sun only replied with two words: "Guess."

Xiaoye grabbed the pillow next to her and threw it at Assistant Sun: "I guess it belongs to your uncle."

When he regains his strength, he will have to chop this thing into pieces sooner or later.

Assistant Sun grabbed the pillow and said, "I don't have an uncle."

Xiao Ye scratched her hair irritably: "Forget it, I won't ask you this anymore, what's wrong with your Jun Jinghuai's hair? That's the hair color of a foreign race."

Assistant Sun still said the same two words: "Guess."

Xiaoye: "!!!" Damn it, I want to blow your head off.

At this time, Assistant Sun stood up and walked towards Xiaoye step by step. He lowered his head and locked his face with a pair of sharp eyes.

"You should go back to where you should go as soon as possible. If you stay with her for too long in your capacity, I am afraid it will bring disadvantages to her. You know that she is still very weak now and it is not appropriate to cause trouble."

He knew it, but he couldn't bear it.

Xiao Ye whispered softly: "No one can see where I come from."

"That's not necessarily true. You can't be sure that there are no capable people among humans, and you can't be sure that your shoes won't get wet after walking a lot at night."

Assistant Sun raised his right hand and put it on Xiaoye's shoulder: "Since you already know that she is not wiped out, you should go back to the demon world now, gather her old troops, and maintain your strength so that you can help her when she needs it. Fuck her, you know, the situation is more serious now than it was ten thousand years ago.”

Xiao Ye looked directly at Assistant Sun, and finally lost her temper: "Humph, I know what to do."

"By the way, do you really have nothing else to do with that purple-haired guy? I always think you look at him weirdly."

(End of this chapter)

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