Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 546 The mastermind was found

Chapter 546 The mastermind was found
Jun Jinghuai nodded seriously, showing a natural sense of superiority: "Look, even the beasts agree with me."

"Woof woof woof..." Master, you really don't know how to do anything, so you translated No.1 randomly.

I'm so mad at Gouzi. Gouzi will one day turn into a human form. Then we will have a good fight with each other.

Immediately afterwards, Assistant Sun received a call.

He walked aside to finish chatting, and then walked back to Tang Yan.

"Madam, the technical department has found out who sent the email."

The technical department of Junhuang Group has the number one hacker in the world.

Therefore, unless the other party leaves no trace at all, he can dig out the other party no matter how deeply he hides it.

Of course, there is an exception, and that is involving the category of metaphysics.

Even the best hackers will be unable to do so.

This also indirectly shows that this incident is man-made, and there should be no need to worry about Xiaoye's safety.

Jun Jinghuai quickly asked: "Which bastard is so brave?"

Assistant Sun didn't show off: "The email was sent from within a technology company, and the boss of this technology company is Uncle Gui's son."

Uncle Gui, the one who was fired, was the gardener who once prayed for the garden.

Jun Jinghuai stayed for a few seconds before sighing: "Isn't it right? My uncle has always been kind to him, but just because he fired him, he holds a grudge? Want to kidnap his son?
No wonder the other party seemed to be very familiar with Qiyuan's security system and didn't leave any movement at all. "

Tang Yan felt that there was something unreasonable about this matter: "Based on Uncle Gui's understanding of Jun Liyan, he should know that if the matter was exposed, his entire family would be implicated.

And the ransom of 10 billion is really not a huge amount for a small family with industry.

He is not a desperado, and there is no need to go to this point, so why would he risk the future of his entire family? "No matter how you think about it, this is not in line with normal human thinking logic.

And he also sent emails from within his son’s company.

It was as if he was afraid that he would not know that the murderer was him.

Assistant Sun also agreed with Tang Yan: "This is indeed a little too deliberate, but what if the eldest lady was behind this incident?
On the surface, it seems to be an inexplicable kidnapping incident, but in fact it is a choice between Jun Lifeng and Wu Ye. "

Jun Jinghuai was confused when he heard it: "Why? Why did Auntie do this? Now that we are breaking up, it seems that she will not get any benefits."

His thoughts were temporarily stuck in a dead end, and Tang Yan simply stopped thinking about the problem: "Wait, the other party will always reveal his true purpose."

Until the evening, no emails continued to be sent.

The other party only said that a ransom of 10 billion was ready, but did not say the time and place of the transaction.

Tang Yan thought for a while, but considering Xiaoye's special situation, she still didn't call the police.

In the evening, Tang Yan finished practicing and was about to take a rest when he heard a very light but very rhythmic knock on the door.

The only person who could knock on her door at this time was that man.

As soon as Tang Yan opened the door, he was hugged tightly.

"Wait for me." The voice seemed to come from the deep sea, ethereal and ghostly.

As soon as Tang Yan reacted and wanted to push away, Jun Liyan took two steps back, held his hands and smiled at Tang Yan, then turned and left.

Tang Yan: "???" What is this man doing?I always feel that he is getting more and more neurotic.

(End of this chapter)

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