Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 574 The giant green door

Chapter 574 The giant green door
Tang Yan followed down and asked, "What's dark and green?"

Bai Jingjing's face was a little pale: "I don't know where I went, I just remember that the place was dark, and in front of me was a huge green door.

Ah, by the way, I remembered that the totem on the giant door is exactly the same as the totem on the green stone. "

Bai Jingjing tilted her head and looked at Tang Yan, whose face turned a little ugly.

"I seemed to be about to go through the giant door, and then I heard a voice calling me. As soon as I turned my head, I opened my eyes and saw you."

That is, if it weren't for the secret magic of the devil world cast by the little green little pink.

Now, Bai Jingjing's consciousness has passed through the giant door.

No one is sure what kind of world is behind the door and whether it is dangerous.

Lu Rong looked worried and scared. She couldn't help but pull Tang Yan: "Yan Yan, what should I do? What should I do? Is Jingjing still in danger?"

Tang Yan comforted Lu Rong for a while and asked her to calm down first.

Now that things have come to this, the danger will definitely exist, so we just have to find a way to deal with it.

Little Green and Little Pink have climbed onto Tang Yan's shoulders, one on the left and one on the right.

Xiaolu said: "Sir, the secret technique we used only temporarily recalled the spirit body, and did not cut off Miss Bai's connection with that side."

Xiaofen continued: "Well, that is to say, unless the reason why Miss Bai's spirit body disappeared has been completely solved, she will still disappear again."

Lu Rong couldn't help but sob softly. Tang Yan patted her back gently and asked Xiao Lu, "How long can your secret technique last?"

Xiaolu replied: "It depends on the depth of the connection between Miss Bai and the Green Gate. It can last for half a month at most, and can only last for a day or two at least."

In other words, Bai Jingjing's conscious time is 1 to 15 days.

The short time is actually secondary.

More importantly, if a person knows that his spirit body will disappear at any time, and it is not certain when it will disappear.

It's like there's a sharp sword hanging over your head, and you don't know when the sword will cut down.

My heart is just in a tense state, and this is the most torturous part.

However, Bai Jingjing is not an ordinary person. She has a good attitude and is very open-minded. She even persuades Lu Rong in turn.

"Oh, Mom, please stop crying. Your daughter is not dead. Besides, your crying is really unpleasant."

Lu Rong ranged her at a glance: "Well, what is not dead, the mouth is not covered, Master Kongxiang said that you are rich and noble, how can it be so easy to die."

"So, you said that I am rich and powerful, so what else do you have to cry about? It is said in the "Tao Te Ching" that misfortune lies where blessing lies, and blessing lies where misfortune lies. Maybe I will get a blessing in disguise this time. Woolen cloth."

Bai Jingjing asked Tang Yan again with a smile: "Really, baby?"

Tang Yan pinched her little face: "Yes, if you have such an optimistic attitude, things will not develop to the worst."

Tang Yan returned to the previous topic: "By the way, do you still remember what the totem on the giant green door looks like?"

Bai Jingjing recalled hard: "I didn't see it too clearly, and my memory is a bit fuzzy. It seemed to be a bird, and it seemed to be a person. There were two things under my feet. I don't know if they were snakes or dragons."

(End of this chapter)

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