Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 585 6 Beyond the Realm

Chapter 585 Beyond the Six Realms
Two paper figures jumped on Tang Yan's shoulders: "Sir, it's so strange. Our secret technique didn't even last a day before the other party came to find us."

Tang Yan looked wary: "That can only mean one thing, and that is that the other party is stronger than we imagined."

Bai Jingjing also looked away at this time: "It's okay, baby, you will definitely come to me, right?"

Tang Yan said firmly: "Well, no matter where you are, I will find you."

Bai Jingjing pulled Tang Yan towards the bedroom: "You can tell mom about my departure after I leave. She is not a cultivator and will still be very persistent about some things. I just can't listen to her cry."

Tang Yan twitched her eyelashes and said as if you had become a cultivator.

Tang Yan originally wanted to ask something else, but at this time she felt it was unnecessary. In fact, many things had gradually pointed out that Bai Jingjing was extraordinary.

Bai Jingjing walked into the bedroom, covered herself with a quilt, sat on the bed, and warned her seriously: "Bao, you are not allowed to forget me, and you are not allowed to raise other dogs."

"Don't worry, I never keep a dog."

"Okay, okay." Bai Jingjing then lay down, closed her eyes, and murmured: "Bao, you must come to me. I may be able to go through that door this time. I'm at the door." I’ll wait for you on the other side.”

As soon as she finished speaking, her body relaxed and she completely lost consciousness again.

Tang Yan straightened her hair: "Wait for me, be good."

Then, she said to the little green pink on her shoulder: "Try using the secret technique of the devil again to see if you can wake up the second crystal."

Xiao Lu noticed Tang Yan's choice of words and whispered: "What? Sir, do you already know that we come from the devil world?"

"The devil's whisper, what do you think? Okay, let's not talk about this anymore, you can quickly try to cast a spell."

So Xiaolu and Xiaofen used the secret technique of the devil again, but this time they failed to wake up Bai Jingjing.

Xiao Lu's voice was a little dejected: "Sir, I'm sorry, we tried our best."

"Yes." Tang Yan looked at Bai Jingjing, her mood was very calm.

Xiaolu and Xiaofen looked at each other: "If there is nothing else, sir, we will return to the devil world to recover."

"Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome, sir, we will meet again, please take care."

After Xiao Green and Xiao Pink finished speaking, they burned up and disappeared into the room, leaving no ashes behind.

Tang Yan walked to the window, called Jiang Rufei, and said straight to the point: "Er Jing's spirit body has probably passed through that door.

And it cannot be awakened again using secret methods. According to what Little Green Little Pink said before, it is speculated that the world behind the door should not belong to any of the six realms. "

As far as is currently known, this world is divided into six realms.

The world of gods, the world of humans, the underworld, the Shura world, the demon world, and the demon world.

But the place where Bai Jingjing's spirit body went does not belong to any of the six realms. It is a completely unknown place.

This matter seems to be more difficult than imagined.

The person on the other side was silent for more than ten seconds before he spoke: "I understand, thank you, Tang Yan, no matter what you think, I will definitely save Jingjing. If I can't do it in this life, I won't do it in the next life. I won't do it in the next life." give up."

"What a coincidence, me too." Tang Yan hung up the phone and turned around to see Lu Rong standing at the bedroom door.

She looked at Bai Jingjing quietly, tears welling up from her eyes silently.

(End of this chapter)

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