Chapter 591 Social Monk
Tang Yan said: "The niece-in-law of the head is not nice to hear, so just call me Tangtang. As for where we are going, of course it is to the Duan family."

Because she didn't want the other party to know that there were two Kunlun disciples following her, she disguised herself for Xiao Yi and Xiao Bing.

The two green hairs on Little Yi's head stood up: "The Duan family? Is that the Duan family where women gather together? Damn it, aren't you trying to break into the tigress's den? Tangtang, you have a blood feud with us, right? It’s such a torment for us.”

Xiao Bing also looked embarrassed and shuddered: "The women of the Duan family are difficult to deal with. If possible, I really don't want to deal with them. Tangtang, why do you want to go to the Duan family?"

"Of course it's to torment them. It sounds like they usually torment others, right? This time, someone else is tormenting them."

To put it bluntly, I just go to the gym.

No wonder he took both of them with him.

It's better to put on a disguise so as not to implicate the Kunlun Sect.

Xiao Yi suddenly had an idea: "Ah, the Duan family's ancestor worship ceremony will be held in a few days. You don't want to cause trouble here, do you?"

Tang Yan glanced back with admiration: "You are smart again, you are really awesome."

"What an idiot. Are you going to make trouble at someone else's ancestor worship ceremony? What on earth do you think? Do you want me, Kunlun, to be at odds with the Duan family?"

"Then it depends on what the women of the Duan family will think. They sent this invitation to me. If they don't make trouble, this matter won't happen. What's more, I am the head now, and Kunlun sent me It’s up to you.”

Xiao Yi really wanted to grab the ground with his head. What on earth did Master and the old man think of handing over the sect to such a weirdo?

He bets that even if the Duan family woman doesn't come to cause trouble, this violent woman will still find a way to cause trouble.

Judging from her tone and what she did, this trip will definitely not be peaceful.

Xiao Yi looked out the car window: "Hmph, forget it, you are the leader, you can play whatever you want. I guess even if you finish playing with the Kunlun Sect, the master will not even frown."

At this moment, Xiao Bing pointed forward: "Tangtang, look, there is a monk waving at the roadside."

Under the sun, the man was wearing big pants, Crocs, and a brightly patterned floral shirt. He was holding a string of Buddhist beads in his hand, and his bald head was shining.

The man's skin was very fair, his facial features were very handsome, and his appearance was very elegant, but it seemed quite inconsistent with his outfit.

Xiao Yi also saw the man: "Junior brother, you have bad eyesight, so you are not a monk, he is obviously the big brother in society. Now among the big brother group, bald heads and Buddhist beads are popular, just to show off."

Tang Yan stopped the car and pressed down the window.

The monk in the flowered shirt put his hands together and made a very standard salute: "Several donors, may I ask where this is going?"

Xiao B touched Xiao C with his elbow: Would a big brother in society be so polite?The wording is so formal.He must be a monk.

Xiao C communicates with Xiao B with his eyes: What do you know?Times have changed, and the social eldest brother in the new era also needs to be literate to be a eldest brother.

Tang Yan's eyes were full of inquiry. Although the appearance of his bald head gave people a promiscuous look, his salute posture was very standard.

Moreover, his eyes and aura are very calm, and he obviously has a certain concentration.

Tang Yan said: "Gongzhu County, Helin City."

"What a coincidence. The young monk is also going to that place. I wonder if I can get a ride?"

(End of this chapter)

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