Chapter 598 Damn beautiful
After driving for a while, a thin, small, jumping figure appeared in front of me.

Tang Yan's driving speed slowed down, and Xiao Yi also noticed the situation ahead: "Hey, Tangtang, are you trying to pick up something weird and get in the car again?"

The child in front is obviously not a human being, and there is resentment on his head. Such a spirit that is obviously about to become an evil spirit, the monks will usually destroy it directly.

Any spirit that lingers in the world without going through reincarnation will deceive people. The more resentful the spirit, the more likely it is that it will deceive people.

Under such circumstances, the cost of letting them go back would be very high, and a careless move could even damage the monk's own life.

Therefore, elimination is the simplest and most effective way.

This is what Xiao Bing thinks: "Pick it up in the car? Do you really think you can pick up anything? I think Tangtang is looking for an opportunity to kill the resentful spirit in front of you."

Miao Yuan answered: "No, no, my beautiful sister is a great philanthropist. I think she wants to save that child."

"Bah." Xiao Yi kicked the back of Miao Yuan's seat in dissatisfaction: "You think Tangtang is a fake monk like you, who is willing to transcend at every turn."

As she finished speaking, Tang Yan's car stopped next to the child. She opened the car door, got out, and walked in front of the child.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

The little girl raised her head and blinked her big confused eyes. It took a while before she could focus.

She looked sallow, thin, malnourished, and her voice was as low as a mosquito: "Grandma said, don't talk to strangers casually."

Tang Yan looked down: "Then why are you still talking to me?"

The little girl became confused again, with a somewhat annoyed expression on her face, and murmured to herself: "Yes, why should I talk to you? Why? Why?"

"It's simple, because I'm pretty."

The three people in the car: "!!!" It can't be sexy, it can't be sexy, it can't be sexy.

For some reason, Tang Yan's words seemed to offend the little girl.

She held her head, squatted down, and made a very painful voice: "Ah, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, Xiaohua hates beautiful women, beautiful women deserve to die, all deserve to die."

As she spoke, her eyes turned dark green, she stood up, and rushed towards Tang Yan with her teeth and claws bared.

Xiao Yi stuck his head out of the car and shouted: "Tangtang, be careful."

Tang Yan stretched out his hand, grabbed the little girl's collar, and lifted her into the air: "Kid, if you disobey, you will be beaten."

Xiao Yi: "!!!" Well, it's no use worrying. What kind of weird thing is this? Can the resentful spirit just catch it?Aren't you afraid that resentment will affect your mind?

The little girl swayed her legs and struggled hard: "Kill you, kill you, I want to kill you."

Tang Yan's eyes saw a slight red light in the little girl's eyes: "Are you sure you want to kill me?"

The little girl sensed danger.

Out of the instinct to survive, she calmed down and instantly became as pitiful as a little white rabbit. She sniffed and said in an aggrieved voice: "You, don't hit me, the baby will be hurt."

Xiao B: "???" What happened?who I am?Where am I?

Even Miao Yuan sighed: "This is truly an unexpected turn of events."

Xiao Bing asked directly: "Tangtang, what did you just do? Why did this resentful spirit suddenly become honest?"

(End of this chapter)

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