Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 608 Trapped in a mountain village

Chapter 608 Trapped in a mountain village
Tang Yan's car was parked on the other side of the bridge, near Lanxi Village.

In other words, their car will not be able to get out for a while, unless they temporarily abandon the car and wait for the bridge to be repaired before returning to drive the car in the future.

Xiao Yi covered her mouth and came close to Tang Yan's ear: "Tangtang, here we come, here we come. I think it's someone in the dark who deliberately wants to trap us in this place. Next, there may be a bloody storm."

"Isn't that obvious?"

"But this method is a bit too feeble. If we break a bridge and we still have legs, aren't the people in the dark afraid of us abandoning the car and leaving the village?"

"Of course the other party is not afraid, because the other party has also used other means. When I just came back, I saw that formations have been set up around Lanxi Village. The other party will always find a way to keep us here."

"It can't be that Zhao Banxian, right? We have no grievances. What on earth does she want to do?"

"Who knows, keep reading."


Village Chief He looked very anxious: "What's going on? It hasn't rained or the water has risen. Why did the bridge suddenly break?"

They just took another path down the mountain and did not pass the bridge.

The villager also looked confused: "I don't know either. I was just grazing cattle over there when I suddenly heard a bang. When I turned around, I found that the stone bridge was broken."

"Okay, I understand, I'll go over and take a look now."

Village Chief He took a few steps and retreated to Tang Yan and the others: "Now it seems that your car will not be able to drive out in a short time. What are your plans? If there is anything that needs help, I will find someone to cooperate. you."

He seems to be a very enthusiastic village chief.

It's just that people's hearts are separated from each other, who knows what his true thoughts are.

Tang Yan still pretended to think for a while: "That car is very important to me. I can't just leave by myself and leave the car here to pick it up later.

Anyway, we're not in a hurry, so I think that's it, Tang, we'll find someone to repair it, and then we can leave the village after the road is open.The scenery of Lanxi Village is so beautiful and the air is fresh, we just treat it as a trip. "

Village Chief He pointed to a road next to him: "Okay, if you need anything, you can come to me. I live at the end of this road."

"Okay, thank you, Village Chief He."

Tang Yan and his party returned to Xiaohua's parents' house, and breakfast was already ready.

Only the woman was at home, and the man of the house seemed to have gone out to do farm work after eating.

On the table was soy milk porridge and steamed buns.

The taste is average, but they are not that picky.

After breakfast, a man came in from outside: "Well, do you know that the bridge at the entrance of the village is broken?"

Tang Yan put down the bowl in his hand and said, "Ah, I know. Just now when we came down from the mountain with Village Chief He, we happened to encounter some villagers talking about the broken bridge."

The man hung the straw hat on the wall: "Then what are your plans?"

"I may have to continue to trouble you. Don't worry, we will still pay the accommodation and food expenses according to the previous standards."

The man hesitated for a moment and then agreed: "Okay, the conditions in this small rural place are poor. If there is any negligence, please bear with me."

After breakfast, Tang Yan and the others didn't go out, so they just played with their mobile phones in the house.

It didn't take long for someone to knock on the door.

"Dong dong dong..." The knock on the door was urgent.

(End of this chapter)

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