Chapter 614 Besieged
Village Chief He walked up and replied: "Those who are missing in Lanxi Village are all reported by the media. That college student has been to our Lanxi Village, but who can be sure that he must have disappeared in our village?" ?

A lot of search and rescue personnel came at that time. They searched our village and the nearby hills several times, but not even a piece of clothing was found. "

When Village Chief He saw that Tang Yan was silent, he continued with uncertain eyes: "Little girl, think about it, our place is not a barren mountain and old forest.

If someone is really lost in the mountains, some clues will always be found through a large-scale search and rescue method.

But nothing was found, which is enough to prove that the college student did not disappear in our Lanxi Village at all.

You also know how fake the current media reports are. In order to gain traffic and attract attention, they are resorting to unscrupulous means. The news you read is fake news with biased reporting. "

After just one question, the village chief explained a lot.

And he was also eager to distance himself from the missing college student.

This is obviously a sign of guilty conscience.

Tang Yan looked at where they were now and squinted his eyes. It was said that the college student disappeared in the back mountain.

"Oh." Tang Yan responded in an indifferent voice and stopped: "Village Chief He, there is a cliff ahead. What do you want to do by bringing us here?"

At this moment, Village Chief He took a few steps back, and the rest of the villagers gathered around Tang Yan and the others.

There are people on three sides and a cliff behind you.

The villagers all held weapons such as sickles, hoes, and sticks in their hands, and their expressions and postures were full of hostility.

The chill brought by the night wind was biting to the bones.

Tang Yan asked very calmly: "Village Chief He, please explain, what do you mean?"

"???"What?What's going on with this tone of voice that sounds like you're listening to a subordinate's report?

Aren't they nervous and scared?

Although Village Chief He felt weird, he still replied in a biting voice: "This is God's will. It is your honor to sacrifice your life for God."

"Bah, you are still a god, you are ignorant." Xiao Yi sneered: "I will give you this honor, do you want it?"

Some villagers in the crowd made angry voices: "Shut up, you are not allowed to insult the gods."

Xiao Yi responded directly: "Oh, I am not insulting the gods. I am insulting you, a bunch of idiots."

Xiao B and Xiao B sang in unison: "Brother, don't waste your breath. It can be cured if the body is disabled, but if the brain is disabled, it cannot be cured."

Miao Yuan put his hands together and said: "Amitabha, if you are mentally retarded, you can try to get the monk to save you, so that you can be reincarnated with a better brain in your next life."

A villager with a bad temper ran to Village Chief He angrily and said, "Village Chief, stop talking nonsense with them and just push them down."

Village Chief He looked at Tang Yan. He had already seen that this girl was the backbone of this group of people: "What other wishes do you have? If I can help, I will try my best to help."

He even thought about hospice care. It seems that the village chief is not completely inhumane, but he is wrong.

Tang Yan asked them: "Do you know that you are committing a collective crime? Aren't you afraid of being punished by the law?"

(End of this chapter)

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