Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 627 Where does the resentment go?

Chapter 627 Where does the resentment go?
Chou Chou climbed onto Tang Yan's shoulder: "Chou, Chou, what's Chou?"

He tugged on his big braid and then tugged on his pink skirt.

"Blush blush, big braids, and a pink skirt. This is fashion, fashion, the most fashionable. You bastard, you don't understand, so don't whine. If you dare to push your pussy again, daddy, I will burn you."

Miao Yuan looked up and down at Chou Chou. This was the first time he had seen such a magically ugly doll.

This aesthetic is so unique, it gives people a strong visual impact and is unforgettable.

He really couldn't see the origin of this ugly doll.

Not a demon, not a demon, not an undead, what could it be?
Miao Yuan asked Tang Yan: "Who is this doll?"

"Oh, artificial intelligence, the latest research results of the Academy of Sciences."

"Pretty sister, do you think I look like a fool?"

"You can regard yourself as a fool. As the saying goes, wisdom will lead to injury. When the time comes, people still have to learn to pretend to be stupid in order to live happily."

"Oh, it's rare for you to say such serious words."

"I've always been a serious person."

The other four people complained at the same time: "!!!" Then you are so serious that it's not obvious at all.

Xiao Yi patted Chou Chou and said, "Brother Chou, I haven't seen you this time. Junior brother and I are still guessing whether you finally can't stand your Tang Zha and plan to abandon her."

Chou Chou hugged Tang Yan's neck: "Don't sow discord here. I really love the scumbag Yan of my family. The harder I scold him, the deeper my love becomes. Do you understand this truth?"

After saying that, he pulled Tang Yan's hair with his cloth claws: Why do I feel like there's something wrong with this green-haired guy.

Tang Yan: Well, your feeling is correct. Don't worry, I've been keeping an eye on him. There won't be any big problems. Just don't make any noise and just see how the other party will use this hidden line.Tang Yan asked Chou Chou: "Have you discovered anything in this village?"

Tang Yan left a backup plan and let Chou Chou act alone.

Just now, they detained the villagers and Xiqu on the other side of the cliff just to give Chou Chou time to investigate the situation in the entire Lanxi Village.

Chou Chou replied: "The situation in the village is very different from what you know now. The villagers blindly worship Zhao Banxian.

Moreover, girls have died in almost every household over the years. The number of lives accumulated so far in the past 30 years is an astonishing number. "

The resentment accumulated by so many undead souls should be amazing.

But so far, apart from Xiaohua's resentment, they have not felt any other resentment.

Miao Yuan was equally puzzled: "Grudges will not disappear for no reason. There is no resentment in that big demon. Even we are already outside Zhao Banxian's house and we can't feel the resentment. So where did all the resentment go?"

Chou Chou shook his head: "I can't figure this out either. I just looked through the house inside and out, and I didn't find any resentment."

Tang Yan suddenly mentioned: "Did you find any golden spirit in this house? It's a woman."

"Ah..." A memory emerged in Chou Chou's mind: "There really was something shining with golden light, but it flashed so fast that I didn't see what it was at all. I thought it was some kind of mechanism, but …”

"But what?"

"I don't think the spirit seems to have its own consciousness. She seems to appear and disappear aimlessly."

(End of this chapter)

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