Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 635 Xiao Yi’s rebellion

Chapter 635 Xiao Yi’s rebellion
While Tang Yan was talking, his attention was always on Miao Yuan.

I saw the monk bowing his head in deep thought, his brows furrowed. I had never seen such a serious side of him.

And ever since he first stepped into this small villa, he has been distracted from time to time.

It seems that Xiao Yi is not the only strange person.

I don’t know yet what level of cultivation this monk has. It’s easy to deal with Xiao B alone, but it might be a bit troublesome to add another monk.

Chou Chou's voice was a bit urgent: "Zha Zhayan quickly finds a way to break this field. If the demon is allowed to practice the elixir to regain its strength, it will be difficult to deal with."

Xiao Bing looked at Tang Yan expectantly: "Tangtang, is there anything you can do?"

"Yes." Tang Yan took out the Thunder Talisman from his bag: "Then let's blow up this area."

If it were a complete domain, the Thunder Talisman might not be effective because it would be absolutely suppressed.

But now that this field is a semi-finished product, it will be much easier to deal with.

Tang Yan kept looking at Xiao Yi when he spoke.

The half-smiling eyes made Xiao Yi panic, and he couldn't help but tremble: "Tangtang, if you look at me like this, I, I will doubt whether you are in love with me."

Chou Chou stretched out his little fist and hit him on the head: "What are you thinking about, you little fool? If Zha Zhayan falls in love with me, I won't fall in love with you."


Falling in love with you means there is something wrong with aesthetics, right?

Where do you get your confidence from?
This shameless style is exactly the same as that of your master.

"Here." Tang Yan handed two pieces of Thunder Talisman to Xiao Yi, and then divided two pieces between Miao Yuan and Xiao Bing.

"There are exactly four of us here. According to the Bagua directions, each person is responsible for two directions. I said that when we started, everyone threw the thunder talisman in their respective directions at the same time." Xiao Bing asked worriedly: "This is the sky. Lei, we won’t be affected, right?”

"I will set up a small defensive formation where we stand. As long as we stay within this range, we will be fine."

"Yes, got it."

The preparations were completed in the blink of an eye, and Tang Yan said: "Throw it away."

Everyone else did what she said, except Xiao Yi.

He jumped out a few meters away in an instant, and then threw the Thunder Talisman at the feet of Tang Yan and the others.

The expected situation did not appear.

The thunder talismans that were thrown out were not detonated, but floated in the air for a while and then fell to the ground.

It still looks like the original talisman paper.

Although nothing happened, Xiao Yi's behavior just now was very problematic.

Xiao B looked at Xiao B like a stranger, and at the same time raised his magic weapon: "Brother, what on earth is going on with you?"

Xiao Yi laughed nonchalantly: "What's going on? Actually, I just deliberately made a joke to you because I knew that the thunder talisman would not explode today."

Haha, this joke is really not funny at all.

Not only did Xiao Yi not accept these words, but he became more defensive: "You just wanted to kill us. You, you are not my senior brother. My senior brother is not so cruel. Who are you?"

Xiao Yi rolled up his sleeves and revealed a birthmark: "I am your senior brother. Look, this is my unique birthmark. Junior brother, we grew up in the same bathhouse. You can't even recognize me." Right? You also know that I usually have such an unconventional character. "

(End of this chapter)

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