Chapter 667 Love is sick

Yu Tong took out her magical weapon, a dagger, and held it in front of her: "You, don't come over. If you come over again, I will shout. Brother Yun is next door, and he will never let you go." of."

"Come on, shout. You can shout as much as you want. Do you need me to give you some music?"

Chou Chou: "!!!" It's so cruel. Can't you be gentler when you treat girls?
Yu Tong was stunned for a moment, and his face turned red with anger: "You bitch, wait for me, Brother Yun, Brother Yun, help, come and save me..."

Tang Yan just stood there holding his hands and watching Yu Tong scream.

I called about a dozen times, but there was no response from the next room.

"Your brother Yun seems to be ignoring you. Now you know, he is a scumbag. Bai Lianhua, don't go all the way. As the saying goes, falling in love with a scumbag will ruin your life."

However, Tang Yan underestimated Yu Tong's paranoia about Yun Xie.

She didn't allow anyone to say anything bad about Yun Xie, not even a single word.

Yu Tong's eyes were bloodshot, and he rushed towards Tang Yan with his dagger raised: "Bitch, I'll kill you, kill you."

This girl's love may be a little morbid.

Tang Yan hit Yu Tong on the back of her hand, and the severe pain made her drop the dagger in her hand.

It wasn't over yet, she bent her fingers again and tried to scratch Hua Tangyan's face.

Tang Yan reached out his hand lightly, twisted his wrist, and directly twisted the back of Yu Tong's collar. Then he kicked open the door and dragged Yu Tong out in a swaggering manner.

"Bitch, let me go, Brother Yun, help me..." Yu Tong screamed at the top of his lungs.

Tang Yan's ears hurt from the sharp sound, so she casually pulled a piece of curtain cloth and stuffed it into Yu Tong's mouth.

Then he cast a small spell to prevent her from spitting out.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ..." Yu Tong turned to look at Tang Yan with overwhelming hatred in his eyes.

Tang Yan dragged her out of the small wooden building. …

At this time, in room [-] on the second floor.

The little follower looked a little anxious: "Young Master, do you really not care about Junior Sister Tong? I think that woman is a lunatic. Will something big happen if this continues?"

The main reason is that Junior Sister Tong is following them. If something happens, the Grand Elder will blame the Young Master, which would be bad.

Yun Xie put down the book in his hand, his eyes showing no emotion at all: "Remember, you and your young master are not in the room tonight, so I don't know what happened in this small wooden building."


The lights are on in the room, why are you pretending that no one is there?
Even if you are acting, you should be professional, okay?
At first, he really thought that Junior Sister Yin Tong was here to protect the young master from his misfortune.

But now it seems that the crazy woman named Tang has no interest in the young master.

And even though he knew that Junior Sister Tong was in danger, the young master still stood by and watched.

Young Master, what are you thinking?
He didn't dare to guess. The young master's thoughts were always very deep, so no one could guess it.

"No, young master, I still have to go see Junior Sister Tong. That crazy woman is going crazy and I don't know what outrageous things she will do."

"Whatever you want." Yun Xie got up and walked into the bedroom. Hearing the voice, he planned to rest directly.

"Hey." The little follower sighed, then opened the door and walked out.

A cool breeze blew in at night, and he shrank his neck and closed the door softly.

In Room [-] upstairs, Xiao B climbed up the window and ran to Xiao C's room and woke him up.

(End of this chapter)

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