Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 671 The big man’s strength

Chapter 671 The big man’s strength
As soon as Tang Yan spoke up, his teammates became even more excited.

"Ah... Lying God has spoken, and his voice is so nice. Every time I listen to my lying God's voice, it makes me hard to listen."

"I'll go, you girl, why are you so hard?"

"It's none of your business. Go play with your fat Wan'er. You can't even fly into the sky and you dare to be so arrogant in front of my Princess Yaoyao?"

"Sister, please wake up, Lieshen is definitely a foot-picking guy who uses a voice changer."


Yu Tong just watched Tang Yan playing games there. The more laughter and laughter there, the more angry she felt in her heart until she almost lost her mind.

Eventually, the string in her mind snapped.

"Hey, daddy." Yu Tong dug her nails into her flesh and called out in a moderate voice.

Tang Yan's cell phone was strangely quiet for a second, and then started to make noise again.

"Damn, I just heard a girl calling daddy? It's true, Lieshen is a foot-picking man with a voice changer, and he's also a middle-aged uncle with a big belly."

"Oh, fortunately, this round was recorded. God, don't even think about denying it."


"Sister, I really think you should go to a brain doctor during your free weekends."


Tang Yan didn't explain, turned off the microphone and continued playing the game.

The subsequent conversation between Yu Tong and her was not suitable for outsiders to hear.

Yu Tong saw Tang Yan didn't respond: "Didn't you say you would let me go after I called you?"

She has remembered the humiliation this time. When she returns to the exorcism clan, she will definitely make this bitch Tang regret what she did today.

Tang Yan replied to her while playing the game: "What I'm saying is, if you scream to make me happy, I'll let you go. This one won't make you happy even if you scream."

Yu Tong screamed: "Bitch, are you kidding me?" "It's not that I'm kidding you, it's that you don't understand Chinese well. You must be a scumbag when you study, right? You don't look very smart."

Yu Tong really wanted to rush over and tear Tang Yan's face apart, but at this moment she was at the mercy of others and had no choice.

She was so angry that she stopped talking, closed her eyes, and her facial muscles trembled with anger.


In the end, Tang Yan won the round because the opposing team was also a fan of hers.

In order to maintain Tang Yan's undefeated record, they took the initiative to vote at the 10st minute.

Things are so dramatic.

Of course, there was an episode later.

This game was recorded by teammates and posted on Weibo. Everyone's focus was on the word "Dad".

This triggered a discussion about the true gender of the lying god.

It’s evenly split between those who believe and those who don’t.

The reason for not believing it is simple: there is no such good-sounding voice changer on the market.Who says girls can't be fathers?Who among the game girls doesn’t get called daddy every day?

Tang Yan stood up, put his phone in his bag, raised his foot, and kicked away a pebble.

The pebbles scraped against a tree trunk not far away, and several hairs of the man hiding behind the trunk were cut off.

"Come out." Tang Yan's voice was cold.

The man walked out from behind the tree trunk, stepped on the fallen leaves on the ground, and walked to Tang Yan. It was Yun Xiao.

Yu Tong suddenly opened his eyes and saw Yun Xiao, twisting his body, with bursts of joy on his face.

"Yun Xiao, you came to save me. Did Brother Yun ask you to come? I knew that when Brother Yun returned to the room and found that I was missing, he would definitely come out to look for me."

(End of this chapter)

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