Chapter 674
Why do you suddenly think your idol is a bit handsome?

Ah, wait, something seems to be wrong.

Now that the suppression of the spiritual snakes has been relieved, under such circumstances, can the idol still deal with the spiritual snakes?
So how strong does she have to be?
I always feel like this is another great guy.

But when she thought of the young master's inexplicable behavior, Yun Xiao became a little worried. She hoped that the young master and her idol would not become enemies.

Otherwise, he really doesn't know what to do.

Yun Xiao forgot that as the saying goes, the more you fear something, the more likely it will come.

Yu Tong was very irritated, but still unwilling to admit his mistake: "Xiao Yun, are you here to help me, or are you here to help outsiders? If Brother Yun knows that you turn your elbows outward like this, he will definitely not let you go."

Little Lord?Haha, the young master may want you to die.

Yun Xiao was irritated by Yu Tong's unreasonable attitude. She clapped her hands and looked up at the night sky: "The night is so beautiful tonight. I should go back to sleep after walking for so long. If you sleep too late, your skin will get worse." .”

After saying that, he turned his head, put his hands behind his back, and walked slowly out of the woods.

Yu Tong's face turned the color of pig liver with anger.

She was hanging now, her arms were almost unconscious, and she was suffering both physically and mentally.

Tang Yan, Yun Xiao, I will never let you go.

Tang Yan yawned: "Sister, I won't embarrass you anymore. Call me daddy a hundred times and I will let you go."

Yu Tong knew that no one would come to save her tonight. She called "Dad" and cursed Tang Yan in her heart.

She really screamed a hundred times, and her voice became weaker and weaker as she screamed.

Tang Yan picked up the stones on the ground and broke the thick rope hanging Yu Tong.

Yu Tong instantly fell to the ground and sprained her foot. When she stood up lamely, Tang Yan had long disappeared from her eyes.

She screamed, and then secretly swore in her heart: "Bitch Tang, I will make sure you die badly."

... Tang Yan returned to the cabin, and Chou Chou immediately climbed out of the bag.

He walked around the room and said, "Zhazhayan, something is wrong. Someone has been in this room."

Tang Yan narrowed her eyes and responded: "Yeah."

"Tell me, who will be coming? A woman from the Duan family? Or Yun Xie?"

Chou Chou can only think of these two parties, because currently they are the only ones who seem to have trouble dealing with Zha Zhayan.

Tang Yan did not turn on the light, but sat on the rocking chair and looked at the window: "Maybe it's not them, but someone else?"

Chou Chou jumped onto the table opposite Tang Yan: "Have you offended others here?"

"Who knows, but sometimes, one's thinking cannot be too limited. Who stipulates that those who sneak into this room can only be enemies? Maybe it will be someone we didn't expect?"

Chou Chou jumped onto Tang Yan's lap: "You mean, there is a spy among us?"

Tang Yan played with Chou Chou's two big pigtails: "What's wrong with being a spy? Don't make such hasty conclusions before things are clear, but..."

"But what?"

Tang Yan leaned close to Chou Chou's ear and whispered: "But from now on, you will stay in this room. You don't have to follow me. We will act separately."

"You mean to let me catch that uninvited guest?"


Chou Chou was confused: "Then what do you mean?"

Tang Yan drawled his voice: "What I mean is, no matter who comes to this room, you pretend not to see it. If he wants to do something to you, just be willing to do it, and don't resist too much."

(End of this chapter)

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