Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 677 The storm in the restaurant

Chapter 677 The storm in the restaurant
The female disciple serving food made a snarky voice: "Yes, since you all know that I am deliberately making things difficult for you, then why are you still here? You are shameless and skinless."

Xiao Yi slapped the glass: "Say it again."

He said it didn't matter to him and scolded Tangtang, so even if the other person was a woman, he would definitely beat her up.

Xiao Bing pulled him and whispered: "Brother, don't be impulsive. Do you think our Tangtang is the kind of person who will suffer a loss? This woman is obviously trying to hit the muzzle of the gun recklessly. Just wait and see the good show. .”

At this time, Tang Yancai spoke slowly: "Since there is no food in the dining hall, we won't bother the Duan sisters. We will find a way to solve breakfast ourselves."

The female disciple who was collecting vegetables asked curiously: "How do you want to solve it?"

Tang Yan looked at Xiao Yi: "I remember seeing two pheasants on the mountain when we came here. Since there are pheasants, there should be wild rabbits and the like.

If you make a few more cages, you should still be able to catch fish in the creek on the mountain. Anyway, eating will not be a problem, so you don’t have to worry about this sister. "

The female disciple who was collecting vegetables rushed out from inside with an excited expression: "You are not allowed to do that. You don't know that killing is prohibited in Crossing Evil Mountain."

Tang Yan replied slowly: "You are prohibited from killing, but we have never promised to abide by your rules here.

Your Duan family doesn't give us food and doesn't allow us to think of our own solutions. Is this how your Duan family treats guests? "

"You, you, you..." The female disciple was so angry that Tang Yan jumped up and down: "You are not allowed to do that. Killing is prohibited in Crossing Evil Mountain."

She was like a repeater, just repeating this sentence.

Xiao B couldn't help complaining to Xiao B: "You are so stupid, no wonder you can only be a waiter."

It's not that this female disciple doesn't want to use magic to attack Tang Yan.

It's just because she just came to the Duan family not long ago and she can't control the magic well yet.

If you cast a spell rashly, the other party may not be injured, but you may be injured yourself.

The female disciple looked at Duan Zi as if asking for help, hoping that this senior sister, who had a very high status in the Duan family, could help her.Duan Zi cursed in his heart, idiot.

Then he lowered his head and continued eating his breakfast as if he hadn't seen anything.

No one in the dining hall was willing to stand up for the female disciple who was serving food.

They are all plastic technician sisters.

In the end, the female disciple had to give in: "There are still many dishes in the kitchen, I will serve them to you."

Tang Yan said: "Sister, I won't bother you anymore. Your hands are so precious, it's a pity to use them for serving food. We should solve the problem of eating ourselves."

Tang Yan pulled Xiao Yi and Xiao Bing to go outside.

The vegetable girl opened her hands to block their way: "How on earth are you willing to let me go?"

If they were allowed to kill people on the mountain because of this incident, her expulsion from the Duan family would be considered a minor offense.

She will definitely enter the law enforcement hall, and she will probably come out alive by then.

Tang Yan didn't want to embarrass the little girl too much: "I want to order, and I have the final say on what to eat for three meals a day."

If you meet ordinary people, you may really be embarrassed by this female disciple who is serving food.

But unfortunately, she encountered someone like Tang Yan who didn't follow common sense, and the rules of their Duan family couldn't restrain her at all.

On the contrary, it can be used by her in turn.

Tang Yan picked up a pen and wrote a menu, three delicacies, stir-fried lettuce, fried corn with green peppers, and mushroom soup.

(End of this chapter)

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