Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 683 Requesting Blockade

Chapter 683 Requesting Blockade
Yun Xie and his little followers also watched the competition from a distance.

Yu Tong originally wanted to follow, but was skillfully thrown away by Yun Xie.

Privately, Yun Xie actually resented unnecessary contact with Yu Tong.

It's just that the girl can't feel it herself.

The little follower became excited: "Young master, look, look, my idol is so handsome. How come there are such handsome girls in this world!"

"Ah, young master, are you interested in my idol? Otherwise, you wouldn't ask for her phone number, right? If the young lady is my idol, I will support you with both hands and feet."

Yun Xie held a broken blue beaded hairpin in his hand, and his eyes narrowed dangerously: "Oh, Tang Yan, I don't want to be your enemy, I hope you don't ruin my business, otherwise..."

Little follower: "!!!"

It's over, he always feels that something he doesn't want to see will happen, woo woo woo.

What should I do? It seems that my young master and his idol have become mortal enemies?

After Tang Yan left the competition ground, he found an excuse to separate Xiao B and Xiao B.

She came alone to the stream in Due Mountain.

This is the stream that will pass through Blue Creek Village.

Tang Yan knelt down, put his hand in the stream and felt it for a while.

Then he took out the talisman paper and set up a soundproof formation around it.

I made a call to Jiang Rufei.

Jiang Rufei answered the phone quickly.

It was very noisy over there, like they were in a bar, they were probably on a mission.

As for the bar he was running at this time, it is very likely that he is currently abroad.

"Tang Yan, do you need help with anything?"

Tang Yan didn't beat around the bush: "Yes, it's a major event affecting millions of people." "Wait a moment."

Jiang Rufei found a place where no one was around, and there was no longer loud music on the phone: "To make a long story short, what's the big deal?"

"The thousand-year resentment of Due Mountain can no longer be suppressed. If these resentments come out, Princess County will be the first to suffer. This is still the most ideal situation."

The worst-case scenario is that this resentment sweeps across the country, and the entire country of China is devastated.

Jiang Rufei was obviously not too surprised: "You mean there is a thousand years of resentment in Due Mountain?

Our internal information only says that the place is special. Only the people in power in each term can know the specific special laws.

No wonder the superiors give many special preferential treatment to the women of the Duan family, presumably because they are the guardians of resentment. "

"But is that resentment really that powerful? It's so powerful that you'll even think the situation is bad."

Jiang Rufei found this a bit unimaginable.

Tang Yan said: "Although I can't tell where this resentment comes from, I can feel that it is very special, and it is definitely not the kind of resentment we commonly see.

Also, I have done divination many times, but the hexagrams cannot be revealed, which means that this time it is unpredictable whether the fortune will be good or bad. "

Both the bad and good hexagrams are actually very good for divination.

The most difficult hexagram is the hexagram that cannot be displayed.

Because any slightest accident will bring about variables, from good to bad, or from bad to good, or the two will change alternately.

Jiang Rufei said in a serious tone: "What can I do?"

Tang Yan spoke clearly: "I request that everyone in Gongzhu County be transferred within two days and the entire Gongzhu County be sealed off.

You also need to organize a group of powerful monks to set up formations around Princess County.

If the resentment cannot be suppressed by then, you must find a way to control this resentment within Princess County, otherwise, the country of China will be in danger. "

(End of this chapter)

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