Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 707 Destroying the Bell

Chapter 707 Destroying the Bell
Miao Yuan was like a bystander: "Throw away things like missions when they should be thrown away. People can't live so tiredly. Head Duan, you should learn from me and don't care about anything. It's easy to live without anything."

Duan Xiuman said nonsense, accusingly: "Miaoyuan, are you going to betray the Duan family? Are you betraying your ancestors?"

"It's not betrayal, it's just going with the flow."

Duan Xiuman only had one idea.

Crazy, this monk is crazy.

Sure enough, anyone who walks in with that bitch Tang will become abnormal, and she is a disaster.

Yun Xie held the Jingxin Bell in his left hand and a sword in his right hand. With one strike of his sword, he split the sealing pillar under the altar.

The sealing pillar on the top of the mountain belongs to wood, the sword belongs to gold, and metal overcomes wood. The third sealing pillar was destroyed.

Neither Miao Yuan nor Tang Yan took action to stop it.

After destroying the sealing pillar, Yun Xie planned to leave.

At this time, Miao Yuan suddenly said: "Wait a minute, Young Master Yun, there is something you may not be aware of."

Yun Xie stopped and turned around: "What's the matter?"

Miao Yuan put the prayer beads she was holding on her wrist: "There is a special connection between the meditation bell and me. As long as I call it, it will immediately return to my hand."

Because the bell was formed for a special reason, he and the bell were related by blood, so that was why it was like this.

"Oh, if it's a dead summoner, it's just a decoration."

Yun Xie immediately raised his sword and stabbed Miao Yuan with his backhand.

Miao Yuan had long expected that Yun Xie would make such a move, so she stepped back and summoned the meditation bell in her heart.

The Jingxin Bell disappeared from Yun Xie's hand and appeared in Miao Yuan's hand.

The sacred object he had obtained was seen flying away, and anger appeared on Yun Xie's face for the first time, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Miao Yuan dealt with Yun Xie's attack.Looking for the right opportunity, he threw the meditation bell into the air, and at the same time, a light from his body flew into the bell.

With a "bang...", the Jingxin Bell was blown to pieces.

The light on Miao Yuan was the power left by his sister in him, reincarnating with him and protecting him all the time.

At the same time, because the breath is connected, that power can also destroy the meditation bell.

This sudden turn of events stunned almost everyone present.

Duan Xiuman never expected that the crazy monk's purpose was to destroy the Jingxin Bell.

She screamed: "Miaoyuan, do you know what you are doing? You destroyed the meditation bell, how can you maintain the formation? Do you want the world to be in chaos?"

The other female disciples of the Duan family also had questions in their minds: What formation?What kind of chaos is going on in the world?Does the Duan family have any secrets that they don't know about?

Miao Yuan flicked the dust on her shoulders angrily: "Ah, since the formation cannot be maintained sooner or later, the Jingxin Bell has also lost its due meaning. Rather than letting it fall on some people with evil intentions, In your hands, it would be easier to destroy it."

Miao Yuan had already made this decision in her heart when she knew that Yun Xie was killing people and the target was Jing Xin Bell.

He couldn't watch the ancestors of the Duan family being used by traitors in the end.

If the ancestors were still conscious, they would have made such a choice.

The Duan family's former glory cannot be tarnished.

Yun Xie put away his sword with a very ugly expression and said four words: "Take care of yourself."

Then he left the top of the mountain with his little follower.

"Ah..." At this time, Tang Yan deliberately screamed.

"Look, what is that? There seems to be black air coming out of the gap that Young Master Yun cut."

  Thank you for quitting my childish Bingkuoluo
(End of this chapter)

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